1. The Letter Parade
2. The Vowel Song
3.The Letter “s” Swing, Swing Up
4. Short “a” Fat Cat
5. “m” and Short “a” Sam the Man
6. Short “u” Bud the Duck
7. “h” and “p” Huff and Puff
8. “b” and “t” B-Bop-B and Toe-Tap-T
9. Short “e” Jen’s Pet Hen
10. Short”o” Tom Hops
11. “n” and “r” Nell and Rob
12. Short “i” Jill and Bill
13. “d”and Hard “c” Come on Over
14. “f” and “I” The Frog and the Lad
1. We Are Long Vowels
2. Long “a” Jake the Ape
3. Hard “g” Gus the Goat
4. Long “o” A Mole and a Toad
5. “qu” The Letters “qu”
6. “j” Jelly and Jam
7. “V” and “W” Val with the Vet
8. “x”, “y” and “z”(y as a consonant)
9. Long “e” Sweet Dream
10. Long “i” Bike Ride
11. Long “u” Sue’s Flute
12. “y” The Sometimes Vowel
13. Soft “g” George the Giant
1. “ch” Chew, Chew
2.“sh” A Wish to Share
3.“th” My Thumbs
4.“wh” Wheels and Whales
5.“oo” Can Make Two Sounds
6.“ng” Sing! Sing!
7.“igh” Night Light
8. “oi” Singing “oi” Words
9. “ay ” and “oy” Troy and Ray
10. “ow“ & “ou” Round and Round
12. Silent “h” and “k” Knock, Knock
1.“ar” I Love the Park
2.“or” Storm in Port
3. “er”, “ir” and “ur” Swirl, Twirl, Girl
4. “ck” Click Clack Jack
5. “sp” and “st” Space Station
6. “sm” and “sn” Smell and Sniff
7. “sc“ and “sk” The Scampy Skunk
8. “sl“ and “sw” A Swift Sled Ride
9. “bl” and “cl” Blow, Blow
10. “fl“ and “pl” A Flea and a Fly
11. “br” and “cr