蓝水晶的光芒  发表于 2014-11-6 13:44:25| 99239 次查看 | 365 条回复
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

《Chika Chika Boom Boom》这个绘本在童书当中知名度极高,通常都会出现在英文绘本Top100排行榜之中。其作者Bill Jr. Martin就是《Brown Brown Bear, What do you see?》一书的作者。
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom



a told b, and b told c,
"I'll meet you at the top of the coconut tree."
"Whee!" said d to e f g,
"I'll beat you to the top of the coconut tree."
Chicka chicka boom boom !
Will there be enough room ?
Here comes h
up the coconut tree,
and i and j
and tag-along k,
all on their way
up the coconut tree.
Chicka chicka boom boom !
Will there be enough room ?
Look who's coming !
l m n o p.
And q r s !
And t u v !
Still more - w !
And x y z !
The whole alphabet
up the - Oh, no !
Chicka chicka ...
Skit skat skoodle doot.
Flip flop flee.
Everybody running to
the coconut tree.
Mamas and Papas
and uncles and aunts
hug their little dears,
then dust their pants.

"Help us up,"
cried A B C
Next from the pileup skinned-knee D
and stubbed-toe E and patched-up F.
The comes G all out of breath.
H is tangled up with I.
J and K are about to cry.
L is knotted like a tie.
M is looped.
N is stooped.
O is twisted alley-oop.
Skit skat skoodle doot.
Flip flop flee.
Look who's coming!
It's black-eyed P,
Q R S,
and loose-tooth T.
Then U V W
wiggle-jiggle free.
Last to come
X Y Z.
And the sun goes down
on the coconut tree...
chika chika boom boom!
Look, there's a full moon.
A is out of bed,
and this is what he said,
"Dare double dare,
you can't catch me!"
"I'll beat you to the top
of the coconut tree."
Chika Chika BOOM BOOM!

a 告诉 b , b 告诉 c,我们到椰子树上碰面喔。
好啊好啊! d 跟 e f g  说。
一棵椰子树挤得下这么多小朋友吗 ?
h也来了,然后是j,k,....x,y z!
Chicka chicka boom boom!

链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1eQBxxGQ 密码:



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