爱贝点读  发表于 2014-7-8 13:01:45| 2502 次查看 | 1 条回复



S: Caillou liked coming to the attic because it was fullof surprises.
C: Look, Mommy!
M: I'd completely forgotten about those. This was my musicbox when I was little.
S: Caillou liked the music that came out of themusic box.
M: And this was my favorite bear.
C: The bear has a hole in its head.
M: You wanna help me fix it? There. Now he's a pirate bear.
S: Caillou found that the bear was morefun since the music box didn't play music anymore.
C: I'm a pirate.
R: Me, Caillou.
C: No Rosie.
M: Rosie, come here, I have something for you!
C: Here comes the pirate ship.
S: That was the music box playing.

C: I want to play with the music box.   R: Mine.
C: You want this?    R: No!
C: You want my pirate ship?     R: No!
C: You can play with my pirate bear if you want.
S: Rosie really liked the bear so she decided to letCaillou have the music box in exchange. Now that the music box had stopped playing,Caillou wanted his bear back.
C: Here Rosie, you can play with the music box.
R: No!
C: I want my pirate bear.
R: Mine!M: What's going on?
C: I want my bear back. The music box is broken.
M: Let me see the music box. Look, if you turn this key and open themusic box, it starts playing. Why don't you and Rosie take turnsplaying with it?
S: Caillou was not happy taking turns. Hewanted to play with the music box and the bear.
M: What have we here? Pirates! Have you found a treasure?
C: It's the music box! Pirate bear is guarding it.
M: Okay!
S: Caillou and Rosie had decided to playpirates together.
C: Daddy! My daddy shows me how to do lots of neat stuff. We likeskating, except it’s not that easy at first. Sometimes Daddy acts silly. But healways knows how to take care of us. When I grow up, I wanna be just like mydaddy.


mgmeg  评论于  2014-7-30 20:48:44