2009年南京外国语学校英语综合能力测试试卷 1.本试卷满分150分,考试时间90分钟。 2.请考生用蓝黑色钢笔或圆珠笔答题。 3.请考试用英文或者数字答题,将答案写在答题纸相应的位置上。 第一部分:温故知新(14分) 同学们,请根据学过的英语课本中的内容把下列句子补充完整,注意要使语法正确哦!每空一词。 The_____1____on my right is not very bright tonight. Get the mouse on my__2___out of the house. How many brown cows did you see just_____3___? The girl with the yellow bowl is watching snow by the____4______. His sweater is black.Mine is_______5________. His pen is long,mine is_____6________. His bag is big,mine is_____7_____.He is tall.I am____8____. His cat is thin,my cat is ___9_____. The seasons In_____10___,when the leaves start to fall, I like to run, jump and kick a ball. In______11____,when there's lots of snow, I stay at home and wait for____12______, And the fine weather it's going to bring. I wait for __13____when the sun is hot, Then I can play games and swim a _____14______. 第二部分:欢乐校园(11分) 一、情景交际,礼貌用语。请选出合适的选项。 1、How do you do?( ) A.Hello! B.I am fine.Thank you. C.How do you do? D.I am a teacher. 2、Thank you very much!( ) A.You are welcome. B.All right. C.Don't worry. D.Never mind. 二、根据给出的首字母填空。 Last week Last week at the camp,I had lots of fun.Now I want to tell e___!We played games and planted flowers.We danced and songs for h___.In the evening,I played my g___.By the campfire,undet a bright star.When camping with good friends.The fun never,n___ends. Mr.Smith is t__a walk in the park.S___ he sees something on the grass.It is a ten Yuan note.Mr.Smith looks around.There is on one n___.He quickly walks to the note,and picks it up.Then a park keeper walks to him.The park keeper p____ to a sign on the grass.He says to Mr.Smith."C____you see the sign over there,sir?"It says"PLEASE, KEEP OFF THE GRASS.FINE¥10."now you should give me ten yuan. 第三部分:华夏文明(9分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个正确的答案,并将其序号填写在答题纸相应的横线上。 1.What is the missing number? 数一数二 丢散落四 五颜六色 七手八脚 __拿九稳 2.What is missing animals? __假虎威 __背熊腰 龙腾__跃 A.Tigger B.Bear C.Fox D、Dragon 3.Which song originated(起源于)in China? A."Swan(天鹅)Lake” B."Jasmine"(茉莉花) C《命运交响曲》 D.《马赛曲》 4.Zhuge Kong Ming was a historical personage(历史名人)from which of the following books? A."Dream of Red Mansions" B."Romance of Three Kingdoms" C."Water Margin" D."Joruney to the west" 5.The underlined(下面划线的)word is a kind lf___. 独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲。 遥知兄弟登高处,遍插____.少一人 A.plant B.skirt C.insects D.touch 6.What is the meaning of the underlined(下面划线的)word? 空山不见人,但__人语响。 返景入深林,复照青苔上。 A.speak B.feel C hear D touch 7.Which of the following is not a famous saying(名言)of Confucius? A 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎! B 学而时习之,不亦乐乎!C 三人行,必有我师焉。 D.天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行佛乱其所为,所以动心忍性,增益其所不能, 8.Do you know when is Mother's Day? A The first Sunday in May B.The second Sunday in May C The third Sunday in June D.The fourth Sunday in June 9.Which country is not one of the four civilized countries(文明古国)? A China B Egypt(埃及) C Japan D India 第四部分:经纬纵横(8分) 1.When Lun eclipse phenomenon(月食现象)is happened ( )is between( )and( ). A.the moon the Earth the sun B.the sun the moon the Earth C.the Earth the sun the moon D.the moon the sun the Earth 2.Magellan led(率领)a fleed to sail(船队航行)around the earth to prove(证明)that the shape of the earth is________. A.Square B.triangle C.rectangle D.circle 3.Which of the following is the oldest transportation(运输工具)? A.train B.car C.boat D.airplane 4.Which of the foollowing is not a new energy(能源)? A.太阳能和潮汐能 B.核能和热能 C.石油和煤炭 5.________,Brazil,Rusia,and India are four "BRIC countries". A.English B.China C.U.S D.Australia 6.If you are facing the map,where is the East in the map? A.below B.above C.left D.right 7.The construction(建筑)of The Great Wall was began in which dynasty? A.Qin dynaty B.Tang dynasty C.Ming dynaty D.Han dynaty 8.In which city is there a Disneyland(迪士尼游乐园)? A.Hong Kong B.Shanghai C.Beijing D.Shenzhen
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