上海市民办华锐中学经徐汇区教育局批准,由中国最大的民办教育集团之一 —— 中锐集团投资创办,于二○○二年九月二日揭牌开学。 华锐中学规模为全日制初级中学,原上海教育电视台党委书记、副台长、原徐汇区教育局局长谢家骝先生任学校董事会董事长,董事会聘请原南洋中学校长张家治先生为首任校长,原中国中学校长章秉文先生为副校长。第九届全国人大代表、特级校长、特级教师、原位育高级中学校长赵家镐先生特邀为校董事会董事。 特聘第八届全国人大代表、全国优秀校长、特级校长、原市二中学校长吴小仲为顾问,特级教师、原师大二附中校长顾朝晶为顾问。 学校办学目标:办成现代化、有特色的精品学校。 学校办学理念:发挥民办学校体制和机制的优势,坚持创建办学特色,严格管理,以德育为核心,为把学生培养成高素质、有个性、德智体美劳和谐发展的中华新锐打好扎实基础。把华锐中学办成学生的“家园、学园、乐园”。 学校的培养目标:以学生的发展为本,为高一级学校输送气质高尚、个性鲜明、基础扎实、学有特长、富有创新意识、德智体美和谐发展的优秀学生。 华锐中学地处龙华南首,面临黄浦江,校舍布局合理,环境幽静,配有环型塑胶跑道、标准塑胶篮球场、排球场、小足球场、乒乓室等各种体育设施,配有崭新的电脑房、图书馆、音乐、美术、语音、多功能厅及理、化、生实验室。师资汇集徐汇区优秀的中老年教师,吸纳富有朝气的青年教师,聘请外籍教师任教。中高级教师占68%,学校重在建设一支敬业爱生、业务精通、以老带新,青老并重的教师队伍。 Shanghai Hua Rui Middle School School Introduction Shanghai Hua Rui Middle School, authorized by Xuhui Bureau of Education, was founded September 2, 2002 by one of the largest privately run education organizations – Chiway Group. The school now offers Grade 6 and 7 with a total of 12 classes. In the future it will offer 4 grades with 20 classes .
Shanghai Hua Rui middle school offers a full-time junior high school program. The former Shanghai Education Television Station vice Chief Mr. Xie Jialiu is appointed chairman of the school board of directors. The board of directors invites the former Shanghai Nanyang High School principal Mr. Zhang Jiazhi to be school principal. The former Shanghai Zhongguo Middle School principal Mr. Zhang Bingwen is vice principal. School Goals: To create a completely modernized, top-quality learning institution. School philosophy: To display the advantages of a privately-operated school system with enforcement of strict management and school ethics will be the core of the school. Our task is to provide the young people in our community with a wide range of intellectual, aesthetic and kinaesthetic courses and to give students the opportunity to develop an all-round education. School mission: Above and beyond the academic expectations placed on students, an atmosphere will be provided to encourage the development of personal and social skills critical for future success. When students graduate, they will be able to meet the future challenges of higher education and life skills. Shanghai Hua Rui middle school is located in a quiet residential neighbourhood, west of Long Hua, along the Huangpu River. The school has a plastic track, a standard basketball and volleyball court, a soccer fields, a table tennis room and other sports facilities. In addition, the school has a brand-new computer lab, a library, and a multi-purpose hall. Each teacher at Hua Rui middle school is a highly dedicated and qualified individual. There are outstanding, experienced middle-aged teachers. There are also young, enthusiastic teachers, as well as foreign teachers. However, senior teachers account for 68% of the staff. Above all, our teachers will combine love with the highest quality of teaching, which will include individual attention and strict discipline in a nurturing and encouraging atmosphere. Main Mailing Address: 28 Lin Jiang Road, P.C. 200232 Shanghai, China Main Phone Number: 021-54482383 Principal’s Office: 021-54482384 Fax Number: 021-54481220 http://www.hrms.cn Welcome aboard! — To our warm homeland — Our quest for academic knowledge — Paradise for growth!
网址:http://www.hrms.cn 地址:上海市临江路28号 邮编:200232 总机:54482383 家有小活宝,大活宝来报到!