raorao  发表于 2011-5-4 11:40:37| 2044 次查看 | 1 条回复
 Ⅰ、Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C或D表示填入括号内) (共20分)  (    )1.The lift is _________useful tool in our daily life.
  A. a            B. an    C. the     D. /
  (    )2.Mrs. King is a Japanese living in Shanghai for three months , so she can speak only _____ Chinese.
  A. few          B. a few         C. little        D. a little
  (    )3.It's best to go for picnic in spring . It's _____ cold _____ hot .
  A. both ,and     B. either, or   C. neither , or  D. neither , nor
  (    )4. The teacher tell us _______ everything in the classroom clean just now ?
  A. making        B. made         C. make          D. to make
  (    )5.You couldn't let Tony carry so heavy box because he is ____ boy .
  A. a 11-year -old               B. a 11-years -old
  C. an 11-year-old                D. an 11-years-old
  (    )6. If we want to learn English well , we should spend as much time as we can ______  English.
  A. reading       B. to read      C. reading        D. have read
  (    )7. Neither I nor she ________ a doctor.
  A. is            B. am           C. are            D. to be
  (    )8. Is there ______ in today's evening news?
  A. important something           B.  important anything
  C. something important           D.  anything important
  (    )9.Ted's quite     ______     physics,but he never drops it.
  A.tired of                      B.interested in
  C.good at                       D.weak in
  (    )10. My father _________ one hundred yuan for this tool because he think it's_________.
  A.cost;dear                    B.paid;interesting
  C.took;good                    D.spent;useful
  (    )11.Do you know ________?
  A. what colour the carpet is     B.  the carpet is what colour
  C. what colour is the carpet     D . is the carpet what colour
  (    )12.Arriving late, he quietly sat at the back, ________ his notebook and began to write.
  A. took away  B. took down    C. took off   D. took out
  (    )13. I _________ him to call you as soon as he _________.
  A. ask, comes           B. ask, will come
  C. will ask, comes         D. will ask, will come
  (    )14. --Must I fix the tape now?
  --No, you ________. You may do it later.
  A. shouldn't     B. mustn't       C. needn't       D. can' t
  (    )15. _________ the time I got the cinema , the film had already begun.
  A. In            B. Before        C. By      D. During
  (    )16.I don't feel like _________ just now.
  A. to study      B. study         C. studying      D. studied
  (    )17.Of all the four dresses, which do you think is ________?
  A. most beautiful         B. the most beautiful
  C. more beautiful         D. the more beautiful
  (    )18. Her mother is ill ,so she is going to _________ her in the hospital.
  A.  look for     B. look after    C. look on       D. look at
  (    )19. -________ bad weather!
  -Yes,and it will last     .
  A. What a;two days               B. How;for two days
  C. What;two days                 D. How;two days long
  (    )20. -Lucy didn't come to the office yesterday,did she?
  -_________,though she was not feeling very well.
  A.Yes,she did                   B.No,she didn't
  C.Yes,she didn't                D.No,she did
Ⅱ、Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)(共6分)
  1.His grandma is ________ person among those old ladies. (health)
  2.What's wrong with you? You often look ________. (sleep)
  3.To the doctor's surprise, the patient's eyes were ________ open. (wide)
  4.Today our life is full of ________. (happy)
  5.I can say he found it ________. (accident)
  6.He said the whole story from ________. (memory)
  Ⅲ、Rewrite the sentences as required.(按要求改写句子,每空格限填一词)(共10分)
  1.Tom's grandfather died 10 years ago. (保持句意不变)
  Tom's grandfather has been ________ ________ 10 years.
  2.He goes to visit his grandparents twice a week. (对划线部分提问)
  ________ ________ does he go to visit his grandparents?
  3.Your dormitory is very bright. (改为感叹句)
  ________ ________ your dormitory is!
  4.He told us nothing about America yesterday. (改为反意疑问句)
  He told us nothing about America yesterday, ________ ________?
  5.Tom said:' I will go to the park tomorrow.' (改为宾语从句)
  Tom said ________ ________ go to the park tomorrow.
  1.B 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.A 8.D 9.D 10.B
  11.A 12.D 13.D 14.C 15.C 16.C 17.B 18.B 19.C 20.A
  1.the healthiest   2.sleepy   3.widely   4.happiness   5.accidently   6.memorize
  1.away, for   2.How, often   3.How, bright   4.didn't, he   5.he, would
litterbell  评论于  2020-1-26 00:47:53