推荐理由: 小毛人Little Critter系列绘本,讲的是小毛人little critter和他的妹妹及家人朋友的日常生活故事。整个小毛人Little Critter系列都适合作为小童的亲子共读绘本:从简单的一句话的情商类的认知绘本到每页有个两三句话的故事性强点的绘本。
内容介绍: Little Critter is not having a great day but by the end of the book it becomes better for him. These are great read-along books for your budding readers. I have at least two whole sets of this series as my children plan to pass them onto their children to read. 推荐人群: 4-8岁小朋友 PDF文件下载:
I was so mad.pdf
(2.47 MB, 下载次数: 727)
全系列下载链接: 小毛人《Little Critter》系列绘本全集PDF下载