Aesop BBC的伊索寓言 PDF+MP3下载
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《伊索寓言》大多是动物故事,以动物为喻,教人处世和做人的道理,少部分以人或神为主形... 这套来自BBC的寓言故事精选了40个脍炙人口的故,是由BBC出品,资源非常好!附带pdf,方便家长给孩子们解释。给大孩子用来学学拼读,练习写作,也是非常好的!!非常适合亲子共读!
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3 c6 l/ B8 t3 o3 p% q' p目录:& R( ? i8 k) R z4 d# c" c2 S
1: The Hare and the Tortoise 2: The Frogs and the Ox 3: The Fox and the Crow 4: The Monkey as King 5: The Bundle of Sticks 6: The Gnat and the Lion 7: The North Wind and the Sun 8: The Fox and the Grapes 9: The Dog, the Cockerel and the Fox 10: The Miller, his Son and the Donkey 11: The Wolf and the Heron 12: The Donkey in the Lion’s Skin 13: The Ant and the Grasshopper 14: Should this be The Vain Jackdaw? 15: The Frogs who wanted a King 16: The Cat and the Mice 17:The Lion and the Mouse 18: The Caged Bird and the Bat 19: The Fox and the Goat 20: The Lion and the Elephant 21: The Crow and the Pitcher 22: The Fox and the Stork 23: Two Travellers and a Bear 24: The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs 25: The Kid and the Wolf 26: The Old Lion and the Fo 27: The Eagle and the Jackdaw 28: The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing 29: The Goatherd and the Wild Goats 30: The Dog in the Manger 31: Androcles and the Lion 32: The Dog and his Refl ection 33: The Heron and the Fish 34: The Eagle and the Tortoise 35: Town Mouse and Country Mous
- t/ G; D/ I5 j% p36: Belling the Cat 37: The Too Fat Fox 38: The Rat and the Elephant 39: The Ant and the Dove 40: The Boy Who Cried Wolf
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