发表于: 2020-8-12 15:17:48

DK图册:世界国旗区旗Complete Flags of the World可打印

This new, fully updated edition of Complete Flags of the World tells you everything you need to know about flags, from the meaning behind the designs and symbols of the world's 196 national flags, to information on the use of flags and banners in other fields, as well as their starring role in famous historical moments. Spanning geography, communication, politics, sports, history, culture, design, and art, this book is the ultimate reference, explaining the widespread use and significance of flags and how they have evolved over the course of history.8 l; K$ R  t: @2 Y1 z6 |

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DK图册:世界国旗区旗Complete Flags of the World可打印

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链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/18A59zdXrS-D2CD2yGW4-Fg

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kris629  评论于  2020-8-13 08:49:44
原版英语资料下载 原版英语资源圈建设的目的就是帮助爸妈们更好的找到需要的资料,本圈子主要是分英语绘本pdf、英语MP3音频。大家如果在外面没找到自己想要的资源,可以在本圈子搜索或求助。欢迎各位爸爸妈妈加入哦! 群主: Miranda

