发表于: 2020-5-21 16:33:52

一级章节书 黑胡子的宝藏 Blackbeard's treasure百度云下载

黑胡子的宝藏 Blackbeard's treasure 内容简介/ b9 G; M* X# k% h# P" u1 v
勇敢的船长、凶悍的海盗、还有神秘的宝藏,组成了一个充满传奇的冒险故事。...When the men were all looking at the treasure,something like a black shadow came to the top of the stairs...It stayed back in the darkness of the stairs,until the men moved the chest to their boats...No one could see it but the shadow,was really a ghost that lookd like a pirate...No one could see him,but it was Blackbeard,and the treasure was his to watch...) q/ z3 G, n7 q8 W  v
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一级章节书 黑胡子的宝藏 Blackbeard's treasure百度云下载

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黑胡子的宝藏 Blackbeard's treasure 基本信息" f8 M$ D4 e" e% Y0 Q+ L* P
作者:Jenny Dooley3 s7 ?  t( M  F
插图:Jenny Dooley' D2 J# ?  s' D& H' Q! w( i4 v
适合年龄:6岁以上7 n2 U3 S8 n; c! b
出版社: Express Publishing
$ b) m. B! \( t0 P% h- `/ i4 n& i! D系列:Express Publishing Graded Readers Level 12 h3 _% [0 n# D# i3 K
% c, k! H9 l' [7 F
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/19ja0BXBkIab6YxaGoRQdAg
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