发表于: 2020-4-27 13:54:46

K年级孩子的流利阅读 Reading for Every Child Fluency, Grade K下载

K年级孩子的流利阅读 Reading for Every Child Fluency, Grade K  内容简介, e" |  c# U% Z* Y$ y6 N
以对孩子在阅读流畅性的研究为基础编写的一本书:流利是你培养教师里的熟练小读者的工具。纳入各种各样的技术,包括合作伙伴阅读,反复阅读,合唱阅读和读者剧院,这本书将让您的学生在识别和理解间架起重要桥梁。活动内容给学生在听力和大声朗读方面已信心。3 L2 @6 U/ x( p& H* w2 K- M

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K年级孩子的流利阅读 Reading for Every Child Fluency, Grade K下载

* [& k8 p8 _) ~7 ?Drawing from nationally recognized research in fluency, Reading for Every Child: Fluency gives you the tools you need to develop fluent readers in your classroom. Incorporating a wide variety of techniques, including partner reading, repeated reading, choral reading, and readers’ theaters, this book will keep your students motivated as they make that all-important bridge between word recognition and comprehension. Activities provide opportunities for listening and reading out loud to encourage students to read with confidence and appropriate rhythm and paceing.
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K年级孩子的流利阅读 Reading for Every Child Fluency, Grade K  基本信息
5 |3 G2 U( _# D" x' B& G1 A8 Z作者:  Anne Vander Woude. E* \: l3 w" q3 J0 m
插图:   Anne Vander Woude6 l6 ?9 M5 Q. ]2 x- K% r
适合年龄:5 - 6岁% Y% v' l1 l: Y2 Z8 w
适合年级:Kindergarten and up3 m& V  K( b: m0 n: l5 A) b- P
出版时间:2004, L* ]$ D" y/ F6 b7 {4 n" B% c
出版社: Instructional Fair
2 y2 T) u* r. T# ]4 c$ m所属系列: Reading for Every Child- H$ r0 `4 o- x) c
$ ?9 p3 g8 Z- L
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/10z6nR-6_Jc4o3t_dCkm9Qg
购买游客,本内容需要支付爱币 30爱币 才能浏览   
" G. Z. b1 _- u% `, L$ ~% I
3 ^% e/ B- m7 |- v+ ?. \
儿童英语分级读物 目前市面上八大主流的分级读物:牛津阅读树、I can Read系列、RAZ、Step into Reading、海尼曼、我的图书馆系列、培生幼儿英语、培生儿童英语。 群主: 超级傲慢的达西

