原版英文桥梁书When You Reach Me (Yearling Newbery)下载 When You Reach Me (Yearling Newbery)内容简介
( A9 O9 T: Q( }1 n* ^2010年Newbery Medal金奖得主--When You Reach Me,讲述的是一个美国式穿越时空的故事,结果有点小悲剧,人生并不是都如想象的那样完美无缺。除此之外,也是有美好的地方的,我就不多说了,等待听者慢慢发掘。纽奖的书最有特色的地方就是,透过故事,能感受到美国青少年(包括单亲家庭孩子)的人际关系和心理蜕变。最吸引人的地方,莫过于从开头到结尾的一种悬疑感。”
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This remarkable novel holds a fantastic puzzle at its heart.
& H, ]1 H8 _! ]' W! B8 G2 JBy sixth grade, Miranda and her best friend, Sal, know how to navigate their New York City neighborhood. They know where it's safe to go, and they know who to avoid. Like the crazy guy on the corner.But things start to unravel. Sal gets punched by a kid on the street for what seems like no reason, and he shuts Miranda out of his life. The apartment key that Miranda's mom keeps hidden for emergencies is stolen. And then a mysterious note arrives, scrawled on a tiny slip of paper. The notes keep coming, and Miranda slowly realizes that whoever is leaving them knows things no one should know. Each message brings her closer to believing that only she can prevent a tragic death. Until the final note makes her think she's too late.0 w. d, ]# N5 j# t& B. X' g' S7 @ I" f4 v
1 j; c! j$ n3 EWhen You Reach Me (Yearling Newbery)基本信息
( [6 D3 v/ ~0 S) O6 h" ~3 lAge Range: 8 - 12 years4 W- j9 w( n& F
Grade Level: 3 - 75 ]6 W6 t9 ]8 N, l
Lexile Measure: 750L (What's this?), c# S$ V9 j! B. ^; b1 ~9 Z* q
; ^8 ^6 @' V% f) K8 C8 j0 RSeries: Yearling Newbery( W2 P% Z% C% @1 N6 |' u- W! T
Paperback: 208 pages, ~' Z# U6 [2 g
Publisher: Yearling; Reprint edition (December 28, 2010)' @, [( X1 x" |/ A. ]/ p! l/ b
Language: English
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6 j& U& M1 m, v4 X" H% n9 m小宝门门都考了100分~~~喂,醒醒,枕头湿了!!!