老鼠和鼹鼠 Mouse and Mole, Fine Feathered Friends 百度网盘PDF下载 老鼠和鼹鼠 Mouse and Mole, Fine Feathered Friends是一对好朋友, 春天到了, 他们两个决定出去看小鸟。 于是, 他们整理好了行装就出发了。 可是,他们发现, 要观察小鸟谈何容易, 还没怎么地, 小鸟就都飞跑了。 怎么办呢, 于是便开动脑筋, 想出了一个绝妙的办法。他们用了什么办法, 观察到了小鸟了吗? 想知道的话, 就来读读这本书吧。这个系列“這是一個可以媲美《青蛙與蟾蜍》的系列”适合6-9岁的孩子。
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" w( f$ B% G* xIt is a blustery spring day, and Mouse and Mole are very excited. They are going to go bird watching! They are planning to make bird books! It turns out, birds are not so easy to watch. Splashing in puddles and stepping on leaves scares them away.
0 V/ N" g) n9 H8 r* gMole rubs his snout. Mouse twirls her tail. Together, they come up with a plan to get closer to the birds. A plan that includes glue and feathers .
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Burgeoning readers will be transfixed as they join Mouse and Mole on another high-flying adventure in which teamwork, brainstorming, and good ideas always make for a fun day out!
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% d5 ^$ I, Z7 Q5 g链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1UW3qRpXf6Qi5RrtsBKEt9Q ' @4 N8 H @6 q& p! M$ Y: g9 L
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