发表于: 2020-3-18 17:26:03

【pdf版本】分级读物 Oxford Navigate全套6本 百度云下载

Innovative approach to skills development focused on targeted, language-based activities.1 d' Z2 n$ Y# n  ?9 j
Information-rich topics and texts immerse adult learners in themes and issues from around the world so that learning English is more relevant.Driven by learning outcomes and end goals of adult learners, so that learners can make the most of their time
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【pdf版本】分级读物 Oxford Navigate全套6本 百度云下载

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Based on the Oxford 3000™ so learners are only covering the most relevant vocabulary for them.Extra supporting videos for teachers from Series Advisor Catherine Walter.
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Stacey04  评论于  2020-9-1 15:48:36
儿童英语分级读物 目前市面上八大主流的分级读物:牛津阅读树、I can Read系列、RAZ、Step into Reading、海尼曼、我的图书馆系列、培生幼儿英语、培生儿童英语。 群主: 超级傲慢的达西

