贝贝:牧羊猪 Babe: The Sheep-Pig电子书下载 本书作者迪克·金·史密斯1992年被评选为年度童话作家,1995年荣获儿童图书奖,2009年被授予大英帝国勋章。狗牧羊不稀奇,可你听说过牧羊猪吗?有这么一只小猪,它原本是牧场主霍盖特先生赢回家,准备作圣诞节的美味的。猪的命运不就是这样?可是“巴比”却改变了自己作为猪的命运,他聪明、勇敢,对别人体贴、尊重,赢得了大家的喜爱:主人对他宠爱有加,甚至准允他享受猫的待遇坐在起居室的地毯上看电视;老牧羊犬福来视他为亲生儿女,教会他牧羊的本领;那些一惯敌视狗的羊则非常信赖他,把他当自己人。巴比的努力得到了报偿:他成了最出色的牧羊猪。
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% q: T' | [+ H1 H5 `6 k6 kBabe is a heroic pig with an unprejudiced heart. He spends his days watching Farmer Hoggett and Rex and Fly (world-class sheepdogs) teching their pups to be sheepdogs. Babe decides he wants to grow up to be a sheep-pig. This is the charming tale of what can happen when the underdog is an under-pig with an oversized heart. 2 cassettes." m3 i \" J( e; r0 \
% m U2 \9 m6 b' }# ?: M) O- n9 n
+ _0 o; N6 k1 c4 U& b书籍目录:# L: L3 Z( @2 z6 S: c2 h5 s' z) L7 k
1 'Guess My Weight'
# r0 ^( p1 `1 A- t2 'There. Is That Nice?'
- `. O4 H; {- I3 'Why Can't I Learn?'$ ?) Q6 ?/ b( D; L$ }( Y; k
4 'You'm a Polite Young Chap'; N+ [) C1 {1 o e6 a( O% \2 L
5 'Keep Yelling, Young Un'. w+ e, v8 D3 L' J& c
6 'Good Pig'7 |, O* `9 |& U- F# i
7 'What's Trials?'+ [: T. o: Q$ f* s1 P ~1 h
8 'Oh Ma!'
+ h" S# R6 ]& Y: E' i9 'Was It Babe?'( D/ k, u$ X3 I3 y( e! I
10 'Get It Off By Heart'
1 K" M; k: S& M4 t: E6 t8 t! M/ Z11 'Today Is The Day' i; y/ o! c. U4 h$ }2 `( Q; k, k
12 'That'll Do'6 s, U4 ^& D/ Z% e- r, Z* A# @4 j
0 `; p, O# r$ V
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1p7CY4hirECdxUqhXhldbFw + S# b, x; p/ d6 f: {
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