野兽的呼唤之山巨人篇 Beast Quest 3: Cypher the Mountain Giant 一个小男孩拯救王国的故事,在每一本书里他将遇到一种新的野兽。在黒巫师Malvel的魔咒下,独眼巨人Cypher开始肆虐他曾经保护的城市:科尔顿,王国的商贸中心。我们的英雄必须前往北山解救Arcta并从泥石流和岩浆中发现科尔顿,否则就一切都太迟了。
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One boy's journey to help his village becomes a quest to save the kingdom. Features a fearsome new beast in every book!Under the spell of the dark wizard Malvel, Cypher the one-eyed Giant wreaks havoc on the city he used to protect: Colton, the very center of the Kingdom's trade routes. Our heroes must head North to the mountains to free Arcta and help unearth Colton from mudslides and rock falls before it's too late!% Z1 e1 m/ W8 u/ X5 q& Q4 ]
& I, Z* M( h: t* z4 J4 ]链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1XOaLuxNlxSEj3-HVjdaKVw 1 F. B- T5 N# o" A; y- s' M
7 n3 C! Q' j' B2 V' b( N7 a% V$ p' p7 u小宝门门都考了100分~~~喂,醒醒,枕头湿了!!!