《瑞士罗宾逊家族》The Swiss Family Robinson 含mp3、kindle、pdf 这是一个关于生存的美丽故事,罗宾森一家向我们展示了一个人并不一定要过着舒适快乐的生活。这也是一个关于家庭关系的故事。这本书展示了一个六口之家的生活,他们不得不从头再来,没有基本的生活设施,在社会的眼中,生活更容易。至少可以说,在一个没有人类邻居的岛上生活是令人畏惧的。# b! D4 ]# G2 v! s; d0 |
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A beautiful story about survival, the Robinson family shows thatone does not have to have the usual comforts of life in order to be comfortableand happy.It is also a story about family relations. The book showcases afamily of six that has to start all over without the basic amenities that makelife easier in the eyes of society. The idea of being in an island with nohuman neighbors is daunting to say the least.The family was shipwrecked and everyone else on the ship perishedwhen they deserted the ship. When the storm finally abated, they figured out away to shore and immediately tackled the most urgent needs like food andshelter for the night.The senior Robinson and Franz, the eldest son, explored the islandand found that it was well endowed with food and animals that could be killedfor meat. On further exploration, they discovered better shelter and even asalt supply. 8 Q* s7 O! P' H! u5 C0 |' U) [
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链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1fGJUaYDOwaJr7-huydZH3w
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