英文章节书下载雷博瑞博士神秘岛 The Island of Dr. Libris 如果你喜欢的人物来到了你的生命中会如何?比利正在雷博瑞博士位于湖边的小木屋里度夏。但是一些神秘的事正在发生。当比利打开书,他能听到来自湖心小岛的声音。剑的声响,射箭的声音,有时他感受到地在晃动。好像他正在读的故事变成了真的,但是这一切可能吗?
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What if your favorite characters came to life? Billy’s spending the summer in a lakeside cabin that belongs to the mysterious Dr. Libris. But something strange is going on. Besides the security cameras everywhere, there’s Dr. Libris’s private bookcase. Whenever Billy opens the books inside, he can hear sounds coming 。: w, W/ W q/ f
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* D( t+ ]1 m! X C- s书籍信息:
, A6 F8 g- L5 U( a6 [' y- y1 L书名:The Island of Dr. Libris
( D3 Y6 m8 ]2 R' I0 {作者:Chris Grabenstein n( T5 c, n4 R1 M+ v$ o
类别:Growing Up & Facts of Life
: M! f. }- \9 y- T语言:英语$ W7 Y. R) [0 `+ m
% H( E9 q3 l2 F, X( D年级:3-7
7 s) e |% U. I0 f) v蓝思值:640
3 m: o, B. {" N# x* B* G出版社:Random House Children's Books
E7 n0 J5 m& \9 r0 I# `: [+ e1 z出版日期:2015-03-246 w% F6 F3 a y! x% d
; p' P3 ~9 g2 _7 p; u
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1sHYCk_Agbc2t-qOAdKcyLw
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8 x" w6 i3 D$ Z小宝门门都考了100分~~~喂,醒醒,枕头湿了!!!