朗文出版new round up 文本加音频,听力和语法同练PDF下载 new round up 含文本加音频,听力和语法同时练习,共同进步,朗文出版学生用书及教师用书,基本覆盖了入门到高级的所有语法点,寓教于乐,Starter级-6级,每个级别一张CD,一本Student Book,一本Teacher Book,语法知识系统。教材有大量的图片和游戏,寓教于乐。教材根据学生的知识积累,逐级递进、螺旋上升,知识由浅入深、由易到难、循序渐进。, H4 Y0 ?% Y: |3 C2 o8 l% @' _
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0 I7 ]: Z. a8 WStudents will find grammar practice enjoyable with New Round-Up.tables and explanations combined with lots of practice make understanding the language easy for young learners. Lessons provide a variety of games and written exercises and students will have plenty of opportunities for additional practice. New Round-Up can be used in class, for homework and for revision.( W! i% b x. K3 c
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