发表于: 2019-12-4 15:04:54

小猪梅西续作: Tales from Deckawoo Drive 合集3册 (epub格式,百度网盘)

《Tales from Deckawoo Drive》是纽伯瑞金奖得主Kate DiCamillo经典作品《小猪梅西 Mercy Watson》的续作,讲述那些曾在小猪梅西中出现过、居住住Deckawoo Drive的人物故事。该系列第一本“Leroy Ninker Saddles Up”以《小猪梅西抓小偷 Mercy Watson Fights Crime》中的那个小偷为主角,讲述小偷和他的马Maybelline的故事。看到这些熟悉的配角人物在这里出现,孩子们一定会感到惊喜和亲切。该系列适合6到9岁的小朋友们阅读。$ K, G& r$ B0 C; b# f! X$ C9 n& N
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小猪梅西续作: Tales from Deckawoo Drive 合集3册 (epub格式,百度网盘)

$ g# J3 s  f) r0 ~8 m% I' tLeroy Ninker has a hat, a lasso, and boots. What he doesn’t have is a horse — until he meets Maybelline, that is, and then it’s love at first sight. Maybelline loves spaghetti and sweet nothings, and she loves Leroy, too. But when Leroy forgets the third and final rule of caring for Maybelline, disaster ensues. Can Leroy wrestle fate to the ground, rescue the horse of his heart, and lasso loneliness for good? Join Leroy, Maybelline, and a cast of familiar characters — Stella, Frank, Mrs. Watson, and everyone’s favorite porcine wonder, Mercy — for some hilarious and heartfelt horsing around on Deckawoo Drive.  L$ K; y: G3 i

5 G- j& E& a) N  A0 B  H2 B3 v2 T) ?链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/18UyBI97gRsyXrNJAQsdOGQ
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