灰太狼  发表于 2011-03-17 14:03:39| 27329 次查看 | 159 条回复
miaomiao  评论于  2011-4-6 09:33:01
miaomiao  评论于  2011-4-6 09:33:18
  時事通信 3月19日(土)17時35分配信
miaomiao  评论于  2011-4-6 09:33:35
The so-called 'Fukushima 50' (workers who are trying to save the stricken nuclear plant) are fighting nuclear fallout covered in duct tape, according the The Daily Telegraph. www.telegraph.co.uk
      by Reuters_RossChainey at 4:30 PM
miaomiao  评论于  2011-4-6 09:33:52
0829: The US Defense Department is preparing to dispatch an expert team trained to operate in areas contaminated with radiation, should the situation deteriorate at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, Yomiuri reports.
miaomiao  评论于  2011-4-6 09:34:09
  時事通信 3月19日(土)17時17分配信
miaomiao  评论于  2011-4-6 09:34:26
本发求助函 三一重工紧急调用62米泵
豪豪爸  评论于  2011-4-6 09:35:01
TOKYO (AP) -- Spinach and milk taken from farms near Japan's crippled nuclear plant exceeded government-set safety limits for radiation, the government said Saturday, in the first report of food contamination from the accident.
  The tainted milk was found 20 miles (30 kilometers) from the plant while the spinach came from a neighboring prefecture, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano told reporters.
豪豪爸  评论于  2011-4-6 09:35:17
0902: Engineers have attached a power cable to a reactor at Fukushima nuclear plant but electricity has yet to be switched on, the nuclear safety agency said according to Reuters.
豪豪爸  评论于  2011-4-6 09:35:35
Time for an update on the latest situation at the Fukushima nuclear plant. The following comes from my colleagues Kiyoshi Takenaka and Elaine Lies in Tokyo:
      One of six tsunami-crippled nuclear reactors appeared to stabilize on Saturday as Japan raced to restore power to the stricken power plant to cool it and prevent a greater catastrophe.
      Engineers reported some rare success after fire trucks sprayed water for about three hours on reactor No.3, widely considered the most dangerous at the ravaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex because of its use of highly toxic plutonium.
      "The situation there is stabilizing somewhat," Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano told a news conference."
      六個輻娃的其中一個己穩定, 日本拼了老命去冷缷它并避免它發怒.
    經過3小時的灌水, 工程人員報告称有罕見的成功,3號輻娃是6個里面最被人關注. 因為它体內的是具有剧毒的鈽.
    官房長官: 現在情況己經有些微穩定.
豪豪爸  评论于  2011-4-6 09:35:51