1 k" [7 N( q) P* D9 v `
吴敏兰大全套110本 超级特价团开始!书本数量:106本,另外随机送4本,共110本。优点:可点读 重量:20公斤 ! Y3 D$ c! g2 p$ l7 K5 @& G
; V' b _' ], O" w6 B6 p
7 W8 R6 ~4 y/ H+ D& x. Y! H吴敏兰,美国哈佛大学双语教育硕士,作家,现任凯斯教学机构执行长(CEO)。致力于推广英语绘本阅读,在台湾《亲子天下宝宝专刊》、《未来儿童》、《小行星幼儿志》等杂志开设专栏,先后在台湾与大陆出版了《轻松培养孩子的英语好感度》《绘本123,用五感玩出宝宝的英语好感度》《看漫画Fun英语》《双语齐下》《英文绘本创意教学1-3》《康轩幼儿英语教材Lollipop 1-6》《Sing & Play唱唱跳跳学英文1-4》等著作,希望透过阅读让孩子建立英语力与世界观。 常买英文绘本的都知道[吴敏兰书单],吴敏兰精选了一系列的英文绘本,让孩子在玩乐中自然学习语言。 ![]()
' l: U8 `8 l) D% S) t/ e3 j- h- }4 d
目录如下:' |# q2 x+ S6 q) L: E0 U
编号 书名 大小
# A3 s* {5 q+ r$ b3 {4 [5 {1 Read to Your Bunny 16cmx16cm2 [; @: i" v2 q3 N3 y
2 Black on White&White on Black 21cmx21cm8 w& S. x) [, h; J% M0 J
3 Oops! 19cmx14cm
% T3 f0 c9 h! W- R4 What's the Time, Mr. Wolf? 21cmx21cm
0 R. ?9 P8 ~# n9 Y+ |. r5 Don't put your finger in the jelly, Nelly! 23cmx25cm& r+ i" y6 t7 z3 t) l. ~, |
6 Shark in the Park 21cmx28cm( O1 |; O- U$ o/ f9 R: P
7 Everybody Poos 23cmx23cm9 \+ w5 P# d+ ?7 |- N, k
8 The Napping House 23cmx26cm1 [) q$ l7 S$ P5 U( m
9 No David 21cmx28cm
) i( n0 m' t0 z& |* N10 oh,David! 16cmx19cm( I6 ?$ a3 E6 L8 R3 `$ Y* p7 a
11 Davod smells! 16cmx19cm
9 m; `8 [: Z7 H: }' ]+ i12 David gets in trouble 21cmx26cm
. {# J* i/ ~" d: P13 Knuffle Bunny Free 21cmx28cm& R# E; F) a- A1 f. `5 h" @0 M# V
14 Mummy Laid an Egg 23cmx23cm
; P% i. e# S/ N7 I5 B2 m0 y6 o15 Not a Box 21cmx21cm: H9 g; y5 d8 J e* c4 C/ x3 |
16 How Are You Peeling? 21cmx26cm
" e o* t" z5 S4 ^+ |17 White Rabbit's Color Book 21cmx23cm8 v; ^; R' }: D4 {2 V8 t
18 Elmer 21cmx28cm
c+ }/ V' J' V6 G% T; i' \( ]0 z0 }19 Pete the cat: I love my white shoes 21cmx28cm
; _+ _" q Z ? S/ {' C, F20 Freight Train 21cmx26cm
2 U6 P9 o# l- D* t: s. k21 Chrysanthemum 21cmX28cm
5 K+ [ q; }& D: {) c% X7 V22 Where is the Green Sheep 21cmx21cm
- L1 x1 t. r. i! f' o" j6 t23 A Color of His Own 21cmx21cm; J% C$ i4 Q3 s1 ^: v# V
24 Ten Black Dots * 21cmx21cm
6 @- B, r, d- I0 X3 s4 H. P u25 The Doorbell Rang 21cmx25cm6 N- q8 o; ?% j! V9 S) h3 l
26 Mouse Count 21cmx20cm' p2 j3 ~. t1 a$ Q* h6 W6 X
27 1,2,3 to the Zoo 21cmX28cm
; b% a, A6 @, D, {/ \28 Inch by Inch 21cmX28cm
6 ^" O- \6 Q0 \7 @* U5 e29 The Very Hungry Caterpillar 21cmx28cm/ n- w! n5 ] O3 `1 M J; [; T L
30 Don't Forget the Bacon 21cmX28cm% q, [' q/ ]# H: z
31 Today is Monday 21cmX28cm
% P6 U9 ~0 B$ ~32 Feast for Ten 21cmX28cm& Z1 q3 o; M* H8 j
33 Goldilocks and the three bears 21cmx25cm* Q4 v* K# Q& R
34 TO MARKET TO MARKET 25cmx21cm
3 S3 _% f& I/ ]* Q35 From Head to Toe 21cmX28cm+ O* w9 z4 d% g1 w2 @( G% ] E
36 I ain't gonna paint no more 21cmX28cm7 X" y# `$ r! c! k; i8 h2 r
37 Harry the Dirty Dog 21cmx28cm+ H$ ~* P- t% ^" t/ o0 X
38 The Bear feels sick 21cmx21cm
7 j9 }' _# h7 N( v; ~* r39 Washing line 21x21
( m @4 w% d/ M4 P- k* b z40 Froggy Gets Dressed 21cmx23cm
7 ^1 c$ S; a% R41 Caps for Sale 21cmx28cm' b# _. W' J; p, Q$ {& a
42 Animals Should Definitely Not Wear Clothing * 21cmx21cm" C N! y4 |8 n5 J2 X
43 We Are Going On a Bear Hunt 25cmx22cm' j9 R" ^: I5 i6 }& J! k3 C
44 The Grouchy Ladybug 21cmx21cm9 u% f+ r% Q+ F1 T1 l3 ^6 ?! O0 |2 O
45 The Seals on the Bus 21cmx28cm9 |2 `0 e& x; x" d5 \
46 Dear Zoo 23cmx23cm
! z9 ~% ^. t% s! Y3 A! {47 Chicka Chicka Boom Boom 21cmx28cm
& s2 e8 F% |, V6 {6 S) M( k) m48 The Carrot Seed 21cmx14cm
, D& L+ t, i' x* m' ^) d49 The listening walking 21cmx28cm) n) E+ N! p0 P q; b; j
50 Mr Gumpy's Outing* 23cmx23cm: H8 f, c8 O2 i
51 Little Cloud 21cmX28cm0 p8 r: H; |- D; M
52 Planting a Rainbow 21cmx28cm# h& F9 j8 | \
53 10 Things I can do to help my world 23cmx23cm
+ v! B' Q9 d" q1 O4 G; C54 The Tiny Seed 21cmx28cm
$ A8 n1 Y7 ?. s# A5 A# k. g( L55 Good Night Moon 21cmx26cm4 }, q6 P$ D" v; B& H3 @) o% X9 n
56 Again! 21cmx26cm
5 ~" n$ S) K3 t* ]+ x57 Good Night Gorilla 21cmx20cm2 W$ _& a4 F) @1 K z) S# }
58 Piggybook 21cmx25cm9 \" e8 E$ E2 I0 t' W6 M
59 How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night 21cmX28cm: ?6 ]. x7 Q& @/ S4 Q2 i* F
60 Monkey Puzzle 21cmX28cm1 |2 t( F6 ^7 K0 J' o" `
61 Guess How Much I Love You 23cmx26cm- `4 W. R) z8 D1 W
62 My Grandma is Wonderful 23cmx26cm
; Q* F" ]' W* i, V! a. w1 J63 First One Foot, Now The Other 23cmx23cm
4 F" K' ?! {- N! j64 Love You Forever 21cmx21cm9 V3 I. b& a9 |( H. {
65 David Goes to School 21cmx28cm0 ]3 Z( f, Z% W" N1 T
66 Miss Blindergarten celebrates the last day of kindergarten 21cmx28cm& @, X* j/ w4 c k+ r6 v
67 Splat the Cat 21cmx21cm
7 Z* K- G! c/ Z: k( w68 Yo! Yes? 21cmx28cm
7 o, \7 H9 w& M6 g+ h8 ?9 `3 |2 Z+ H/ |! v69 How Do Dinosaurs Go to School 21cmX28cm) S' L$ h. |7 _4 m f
70 Chrysanthemum 21cmX28cm
9 {% s; f% f" P @6 z$ Q |71 How Do YOU Feel 21cmx25cm5 c3 N2 ~0 m6 H7 L& M) {4 n
72 This is the Way We Go to School 21cmx28cm) j8 T# C7 r" J/ ^" C4 k
73 Handa's Surprise 21cmx28cm- p8 h% H6 b8 G1 ?, y# H
74 Me on the Map 22cmx22cm% F1 { c9 t/ [* ?6 x I) X
75 Dim Sum for Everyone 21cmx28cm
2 I" s- _1 r0 E( G" D: \76 Seven Blind Mice 25cmx26cm
1 M) ? t: u# J; N- g3 a2 O77 Madeline 21cmx28cm/ H. z; I4 I' x5 s1 n
78 If You Give a Mouse a Cookie 21cmx21cm
/ t+ t- w6 p+ s8 K( ^8 h5 O79 Olivia 21cmX28cm
8 R2 R3 m" a5 R+ j/ m80 It Looked Like Split Milk 21cmx28cm& S; I8 |2 [; V7 |
81 Piggies 21cmx28cm( k! ]' {: B9 _; j2 m( u
82 Little Cloud 21cmX28cm" r3 u* {; H# y3 C @+ s
83 My Grandpa is AMAZING 21cmx28cm
5 n, ?: F; z' K84 My Mum is FANTASTIC 21cmx28cm1 h8 J- a1 t% Y6 W" C5 O( R' N
85 My Dad is BRILLIANT 21cmx28cm* W, H: R1 n" E
86 The True Story of the Three Little Pigs 21cmx28cm
! |4 l! |9 \/ a87 HARRY 21cmx28cm: J& i! M- U5 ?7 u9 ?1 a$ I# V1 J& H
88 Shark in te Dark! 21cmx28cm
$ \- r" N! D, ^* E89 BLACK AND WHITE RABBITS 123 21cmx28cm# V" Z6 P$ y8 ^$ ?
90 BLACK AND WHITE RABBITS ABC 21cmx28cm: y; ~- _, ^+ `. r
91 HOW do Dinosaurs Get Well soon? 21cmx28cm" i7 a9 [6 T0 y+ N+ b& g& ~/ `
92 HOW do Dinosaurs Say Good Night? 21cmx28cm) f, K* }2 h) o/ w8 r, w
93 Me and my amazing BODY 23cmx23cm
, r) h7 O3 @# B8 M" l- g, a94 Me and my Family tree 23cmx23cm/ e. r- h& E3 D# H
95 ROSIE's walk 25cmx21cm9 c I0 A, |2 X! a- |
96 HOW ARE YOU PEELING? 21cmx28cm) u! A9 F% p3 l4 N. D
97 The Runaway BUNNY 21cmx25cm
$ z- |8 L4 p/ _/ h+ e98 RAIN 21cmx25cm6 `6 j& g( i8 Y0 {* N
99 Little blue and little yellow 23cmx23cm
3 a5 P; D% f- S* m. o7 V6 B100 bear Feels Scared 21cmx21cm' c6 i. A% `+ \/ o/ {! p" r5 x M
101 bear's Loose Tooth 21cmx21cm
6 T. n; Q2 y9 o* P9 F- r: d8 j102 Color zoo 21cmx21cm) _# u. o. Y3 @% D0 E- C7 y
103 FROGGY learns to swim 21cmx23cm
6 b& \. Z( o# e) h% n3 [104 Mouse Paint 21cmx23cm
( W! Z# p7 Y# F# S0 f/ ~105 Good night moon 123 21cmx23cm% j1 l2 u" i) y9 F: ~: h( M/ D
106 If you give a mouse a cookie 23cmx23cm
, V- q8 s8 D' ^7 F) \$ G6 e8 P7 i3 S另外随机送4本别的书本,一共110本。 内页实拍: . R% k, a/ L4 D o
4 a3 ~4 Q' |- y! p% e: X
, v0 L# f5 w9 h* S# k
1 O5 D- h: n+ G" M* ]( a![]()
5 b4 d9 Y* [% _3 e, |1 b; e / [) o5 W0 d2 m
" l% x: N( i7 V, X0 n) h! U/ B2 [
![]() 吴敏兰书单全套110本团购介绍及音频点读包下载: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1HQFWNH3jiO7cGmIzolNy0A 提取码:
( e3 k* g r* ~' U3 j; ^家有小活宝,大活宝来报到!