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发表于: 2019-6-17 18:40:49
廖彩杏书单:Can't You Sleep,Little Bear? 译文指导
5 T: j- t% y5 a( Z! E% U6 \1 n! N1 ?3 ~) b# h
廖彩杏书单:Can't You Sleep,Little Bear? 译文指导 % K2 U: ~' P5 \' t1 ^
Once there were two bears,
4 B: A5 p/ d2 T- v& mBig Bear and Little Bear,
* o5 N6 n( N7 A' T; rBig Bear is the big bear,
2 L* T$ \" d6 X: sand Little Bear is the littie bear.
, Q/ v1 K& e1 [: ?- U  J- GThey played all day in the bright sunlight.
, n) ]& D7 x# Z( jWhen night came, and the sun went down,
+ K( ?- v6 C5 ]5 u' P  F5 EBig Bear took Little Bear home to the Bear Cave., P3 f. A4 S1 x7 K& ~
森林里住着两只熊,大熊叫大大熊,小熊叫小小熊。9 L) T7 R; e: L% `+ Z
# f" M6 C& o  V) A7 e晚上,大大熊带着小小熊回到熊屋里。
) B$ ]) A9 D$ Z. `; i; X; F# B7 U' Q: ?, |% o6 f; ~: ~9 h$ b/ w0 Q
Cant You Sleep新文档 2019-04-10 15.52.12_3.jpg
2 o* C# [+ {+ F% aBig Bear put Little Bear to bed in the dark
: M* e/ ]) T/ O3 U6 Epart of the cave.
, N' \! P" }9 x- V% X# e" Go to sleep, Little Bear, "he said
# m5 {9 O4 g8 M- dAnd Little Bear tried.4 J# d" |2 N! k! z& }( X% Z& B1 A8 h& d
Big bear settled in the Bear Chair and/ b, A3 w+ M$ e) @+ v4 [  i
read his Bear Book, by the light of the fire.
4 m) V2 P: \# _7 |But Little Bear couldn't get to sleep.
: F* \( [1 v0 i+ I6 u* t% F4 c大大熊把小小熊放到床上,对它说:“晚安,小小熊。”+ _* O+ K: k! G7 _9 k
然后,大大熊搬了一把熊椅子,坐在火炉旁边看书。7 g2 Q# c6 ^: W$ t! n1 p
% H! O3 i4 x8 m0 b( E; V$ i% a7 B- _2 g  B% h: |. f% y
Cant You Sleep新文档 2019-04-10 15.52.12_4.jpg/ Y  E( r5 |) a. H
“Can' t you sleep, Little bear?”) v2 H  f& X2 f, F" Q9 Q% p
asked Big Bear, putting down his Bear Book
( T5 ?" F: p& k% T; E(which was just getting to the interesting part)
+ F2 l+ X8 p5 P) P# zand padding over to the bed.
0 a' P3 \0 B: M( S"I'm scared, "said Little bear.
7 G+ H1 l2 X: H"Why are you scared, Little Bear?" asked Big Bear.
1 V, h9 i( q7 [( _5 ~"I dont like the dark, "said Little bear.
: s  d! x# {1 \) x& B“ What dark?” said Big bear.# N. ]- k9 `  k. Z$ k, V8 }3 _
“ The dark all around us ,"said Little bear.& @4 c; f( K6 k/ H  N, Q
“你睡不着吗,小小熊?”* Y# u  ^- m% ]' w
+ C: f& W2 _3 g" w0 \! M! _“我害怕。”小小熊说。8 t  ]! V4 m1 G5 c2 h
7 ]9 w" b/ }$ K“我不喜欢这么黑。”小小熊说。% i: W+ L, G( O/ I$ z
! N' Z1 j9 V: M; K. p“周围黑黑的地方。”小小熊说。1 j! h+ W9 b! g/ N5 A0 p4 a4 Q

6 \0 `, a; ?# f4 P5 eBig bear looked, and he saw that the dark part* F% m" J0 a) n) m" F
of the cave was very dark, : R0 S+ D; W* ~7 a& Z" j
so he went to the Lantern Cupboard " X( H& ?9 l' t; R  e
and took out the tiniest lantern that was there./ W& q- J9 a1 p' n3 J
Big Bear lit the tiniest lantern,
. F5 x9 I- ^- J7 v& @0 n" wand put it near to Little bears bed.7 Y; e* f3 t" [/ @+ |
"There's a tiny light to stop you being scared,
2 a( m* b; z- P# O! H; mLittle Bear, "said Big Bear.
& [6 c& l& r& d  C) Q- \"Thank you, Big Bear, "said Little Bear, 5 A$ ?: U4 X, N0 A, z
cuddling up in the glow.5 P5 S* Q  V0 Z/ Y0 `
"Now go to sleep, Little Bear, "said Big Bear,
% F7 c8 M7 O* U% Hand he padded back to the bear Chair and settled
' J  I  I, E! @down to read the Bear Book, by the light of the fire.
, T+ A* S9 [/ D5 r大大熊看了看周围,觉得小小熊说得有道理。
$ y) q* B( |) q5 E9 N. x于是它拿来了一个小小的灯,很小,放在小小熊的床边。8 [8 t% B4 G  j. ^* K* G; v
2 r2 X! K) r; H  }6 v& `9 y“谢谢你,大大熊。”小小熊给了大大熊一个拥抱。$ ], d: E" V8 p% `0 @! ?
7 V$ C4 S6 e3 @8 L
' v; o1 Q5 r8 i# hLittle Bear tried to go to sleep, but he couldn't.
! K. X8 V4 ?) Y# S" ["Can't you sleep, Little Bear? "yawned Big Bear,- G! S; F8 t2 L. t% Z; k& a& W
putting down his Bear Book
- V# w1 V( _$ n8 a( y& Y' R+ K' S(with just four pages to go to the interesting bit)
2 Q- i' b9 D+ q7 ?* Land padding over to the bed.
. r" `1 ]; S6 Z$ Q# J8 I8 j" G"Im scared, "said Little Bear.+ r  B1 Q9 E9 Y2 {+ c2 W$ x
"Why are you scared, Little Bear?"asked Big Bear.4 s* S; {5 [* ]& k" Q+ g8 ^3 H
"I dont like the dark, " said Little Bear.( I2 p* D* b5 U: g2 d9 `) K
"What dark?" said Big Bear4 e$ Y) s- v  U1 j, j; y
"The dark all around us, "said Little bear+ ~. H% E# H2 k6 S
"But I brought you a lantern! "said Big Bear$ Q1 f9 T5 E/ e* {7 E# {- ?7 T
"Only a tiny-weeny one, " said Little Bear. "
6 i/ `  F: [! d4 T* @* ?% dAnd there's lots of dark!”2 l  u: m0 q8 S1 m
Big Bear looked, and he saw that Little Bear was quite
. c$ V% o9 C, V$ f2 U7 |right, there was still lots of dark. / N$ x8 ]5 O. h9 K# R
So Big Bear went to the Lantern Cupboard " }$ G# C. ]) i' ~7 c
and took out a bigger lantern.
& b% `3 S9 {# kBig bear lit the lantern, and put it beside the other one.
/ A. f* S; H9 h5 E  a3 B% E. \5 t+ @: E1 k$ y0 A; f* s
7 P9 O. _; A1 Z1 d" a6 A“你睡不着吗,小小熊?”大大熊说。
2 A+ K! r  H5 d- K. b3 I它放下书,来到了小小熊的床边。! O, B, x0 w& m% O1 y* v; i
“我害怕。”小小熊说。; ]$ r: H5 h4 b
7 m7 ~/ {0 `$ X( f  ~, Y“我不喜欢这么黑。”小小熊说。7 k% Q. E7 u' @' r
“可我已经给你拿来了小灯。”( n( M" c6 }( Z6 f" d3 h* [, m
“它只照亮了一点点的光,那里还有那么多黑的地方呢。”, p' K/ X2 x6 G0 ?& M
小小熊说。) z5 \; m$ e. E2 Q# w5 B- N/ Z( b
大大熊看了看周围,觉得小小熊说得有道理。' \( Z& x4 N: J/ l
于是它拿来了大一点的灯,放在小小熊的床边。! k% x; Z# c" C
- e! e% [' x* i7 c  {
"Now go to sleep, Little Bear,"
6 Y0 x. i. O# ~. \said Big Bear and he padded back to the Bear Chair- g. i- j) i8 m
and settled down to read the Bear Book,
$ }7 D& c6 H- r& Z# iby the light of the fire./ S" A8 H4 D, C, q+ W
Little Bear tried and tried to go to sleep,but he couldn't." F: |0 ]' a' e  F% a4 ~1 E& b" I
"Can't you sleep,Little Bear?" grunted Big Bear,
# I2 z# R1 E( K8 l3 Q7 x9 L" |, Bputting down his bear Book (with just three pages to go) & O; H1 u( W* j1 |: H1 x
and padding over to the bed.
: a/ P; C* I% p3 _! Z4 H0 o"I'm scared," said Little bear.5 k2 i& ~2 ^+ M) |) \# \1 O
"Why are you scared, Little Bear?"asked Big Bear.
' a  i, k6 z0 M  A"I don't like the dark," said Little Bear.
% |- k* x. O0 I$ c! k"What dark?"asked Big Bear.! C8 M9 n) E4 e4 ^- T9 n
"The dark all around us, "said Little Bear.
- ?$ g5 `  q3 l  c! N1 k$ J' P"But I brought you two lanterns! "said Big Bear. " E( H- X0 k! M0 O
"A tiny one and a bigger one!”" r6 J0 H  e1 f
"Not much bigger, "said Little Bear. 8 k4 o1 r+ c, E# i
"And there's still lots of dark.1 Z' C# ^5 L) x: e0 u8 r8 W
“现在去睡觉吧,小小熊。”$ Z! E0 z* K2 A. c
大大熊走回火堆旁,坐下去继续看书。+ C0 u0 R- a, \/ B& @" T; C; ^
小小熊想着睡着,可是睡不着。. u8 n/ s1 ]. N  p
0 I# a9 j" L9 ?3 T6 F“我害怕,”小小熊说。
/ M# y/ ^# F/ @“你害怕什么,小小熊?”大大熊问。3 q2 d6 P- G: Y. `  E
“我不喜欢这么黑。”小小熊说。$ }7 F0 P- `! O( H$ H) g6 I
“什么黑?”大大熊问。* v, K% ^/ [) {' r7 g5 j) z/ X3 E
7 ]; c) ?# D. Q1 _( i1 L2 ], F“但是我已经给你拿了两盏灯了,一个大的,一个小的。”# `' _" x! _2 ~
“不够,那里还是黑黑的。”小小熊说。0 g8 j2 U. H' Z8 ~$ T0 R

0 S) h! i8 a) V5 ]+ H, QBig bear thought about it, 0 k, H( i8 i/ M$ ]4 u' Z& f
and then he went to the Lantern Cupboard 5 @( H) U0 A( i  B4 n
and took out the Biggest Lantern of Them All, 7 d9 d2 o: |! c* ^1 k- a
with two handles and a bit of chain. " @* W, V; w- u1 M3 K% ^
He hooked the lantern up above Little Bears bed.) v! y0 Z: r" e- p3 L
"I've brought you the Biggest Lantern of Them all! "
: t, G0 ~1 I. D, {! ]& {; ohe told Little bear. : A, }" H4 z7 {+ @. }; n# N
"That's to stop you being scared!"5 m1 p' h, h0 X/ l# e% T
“Thank you, Big Bear,” said Little Bear,% m: ?1 Z5 X& a
curling up in the glow and watching
: }: X& I2 o4 _" x; J/ ?the shadows dance.( u) ~4 I* _+ k2 \( d
“Now go to sleep, Little Bear, ”said Big Bear# D, Z, S7 e: o) I
and he padded back to the Bear Chair and
/ E$ ~1 L! Q9 V  n( usettled down to read the Bear Book,
, [9 g+ V0 P7 ^/ V0 J, n. Q  Oby the light of the fire.8 `, a' |/ L0 ^. s' A! H* Y

! |9 o9 f. E# W5 `$ a. L8 {1 ^" V大大熊想了想,然后他又拿了一个最大的灯。- _% F6 u8 s) W2 ]/ |
( z( {! p1 B2 V5 G1 B“谢谢你,大大熊。”小小熊开心地看着影子跳舞。6 q4 g6 o* A5 b3 d
“现在去睡觉吧。”大大熊回到位子上继续看书。/ T  \& S8 ]! t  J: C% K

+ l' O( ^$ l' W# {0 R# NLittle bear tried and tried and tried to go to sleep,- e5 R% X& k2 e! C: w* t
but he could't.% X; {  q" f; U
"Can't you sleep, Little Bear?" groaned Big Bear,2 D9 B% Q* t. t4 q
putting down his Bear Book
  `3 n3 h9 s( T7 g) W(with just two pages to go)
8 L0 ?" N6 F) H- _8 F' e# T) fand padding over to the bed.& }+ U4 H, D& C- F$ ~8 ?# l6 x
  D' T$ t- Y$ {+ [2 z  l1 }" g
小小熊滚来滚去还是睡不着。% q7 S$ J  L2 f, w5 G. b
”你还是睡不着吗?“大大熊放下书,朝着床的方向走去。( \5 p2 i' k4 a0 c. H

: F7 e8 ^  z, Y7 nCant You Sleep新文档 2019-04-10 15.52.12_10.jpg+ P8 y9 P/ _2 }3 S
"I'm scared," said Little bear.
* K8 |$ i  e2 L8 ~' g9 S  V( b& s"Why are you scared, Little Bear?" asked Big bear.
0 o7 r$ e. a7 C"I don' t like the dark," said Little bear.2 B6 F0 }6 P$ {# r. f* |- m4 ]$ x
"What dark? "asked Big Bear.( a: K8 e% I8 _! @
"The dark all around us, " said Little bear.
0 ?4 C3 ?' ]+ k- ~8 _/ w: Y; U"But I brought you the Biggest Lantern of Them All,' i) E9 z1 E6 a- O1 H5 x
and there isn't any dark left, " said Big Bear.; r% K; ~% F. p) m2 E
"Yes, there is! "said Little Bear. There is, out there!"  U% L5 D5 d7 h6 }) a6 {) X
And he pointed out of the Bear Cave, at the night.. U4 w: C# z0 b; C& ?. Y# c

  @. M6 F1 k% l“我害怕,”小小熊说。
3 ]# v" B! G9 W“你害怕什么,小小熊?”大大熊问。& A) i# \. y' u% a" H
“我不喜欢这么黑。”小小熊说。$ [1 b% ]; C5 `
“什么黑?”大大熊问。8 K, U! Q. p! {' B
. A+ t" f2 z& A3 j“我拿了最大的灯,现在这里都没有黑黑的地方了。”大大熊说。9 W0 O0 }* X" W9 e
“那里,外面那里。“小小熊说,他指着洞口。9 }1 }7 g6 ?' p2 c4 v
' L  V9 z2 D9 `% n6 x3 B. N3 n
Big Bear saw that Little Bear was right.1 r4 V# y( Y$ }! r" I& u" x
Big Bear was very puzzled. / Q9 C4 Z  t) ?' J
All the lanterns in the world couldn't + p' a3 k" r" ^8 F$ t6 n4 p: g
light up the dark outside.
- q9 J& z0 l1 I' QBig Bear thought about it for a long time,
! ]8 ]; U- r: k$ I1 Uand then he said,“ Come on, Little bear.”5 `6 H6 Q- q. o5 E
"Where are we going? "asked Little Bear.9 N; [+ t* ?! c$ Q, p& ^( s% z# t# }
“Out!" said Big Bear.
, o0 R# y3 @/ X0 y% w3 z"Out into the darkness?" said Little bear.0 v) b5 Y! i: _, }& K5 L
“Yes!” said Big bear./ Z, M! E7 y5 Z
“ But I'm scared of the dark!” said Little bear.
2 V7 J1 t8 H2 x6 m% ]# H; B% |"No need to be! "said Big Bear, and he took2 Q5 F$ h  f; |, e
Little Bear by the paw and led him out from the
( z/ S, P5 ~+ U9 d% G- Lcave into the night and it was.... _. ?8 D9 X2 e
) j; N) q) b( R2 d6 K* P; v/ v
! J( s* \) d0 L2 W) \+ S9 y大大熊疑惑了,所有的灯都不能点亮外面。) j1 U% H7 }( O
7 |% V' I0 p. p/ W”我们要去哪里?“小小熊说。# K2 i( b7 t) N$ P8 P: Q) E  M
”外面。“3 d( q- `; t9 N7 b9 |
”黑黑的外面?“& e1 N+ k8 V# S
”是的。“! f- a" t0 n/ K( T$ Z/ x
”但是我害怕。“2 A: X+ Y* v* g9 h
”不需要害怕。“大大熊抱着小小熊走出去。% w/ L1 b3 y$ F& E* B. p

# K* F1 R, m: v2 a3 d9 Q8 NDARK!
( h$ i& K* O9 z$ L+ M"Ooooh! I'm scared," said Little Bear,8 Q6 }8 }8 e& f- M, v
cuddling up to Big Bear.* w: G/ s, z+ q
Big Bear lifted Little Bear, and
4 i8 u) T" z9 u% m+ y  v6 @* Qcuddled him, and said, "Look at the dark,
' H2 w* J; g# kLittle Bear. "And Little Bear looked.
1 m4 H0 o! W# W, ~外面真黑!
/ X* t( `# G. r* \/ Q. u“啊,我害怕,”小小熊说。
! o5 F" Q; i$ L, J- f& v4 ?& M大大熊抱起小小熊,对他说,“你看。”
6 R/ u: j. a, O, ?* F3 U- q# T& Q" [0 Z' x2 A

( G( M: ~& s; z6 g( j
0 {7 g& d* d: [9 k- d1 U# Z2 r1 D
"Ive brought you the moon, Little Bear, said Big Bear.
! G+ s/ w7 b; p' m"The bright yellow moon, and all the twinkly stars.  t+ D. e0 z8 W, s: n  {
) o# s. ^, |7 u7 p- t1 W还有很多眨着眼睛的星星,这里再也不黑暗了。”, G* C) [* k* p7 o9 }( p7 V, }
/ m! a! v  }* H! h3 U+ ^) ]  ]4 B
But Little Bear didn't say anything, for he had gone* h* b9 M# Z5 I6 n* \
to sleep, warm and safe in Big Bear's arms.5 ~# G- t0 c- }' C' \6 u" H/ j
Big Bear carried Little Bear back into the bear Cave,5 c, d. J0 Z% v+ }: R, C1 i
fast asleep, and he settled down with Little Bear
4 w5 N2 t5 X' G5 j8 H, l, i& ^+ K1 ~on one arm and the Bear Book on the other, cosy
5 ?$ u  v2 w* F% ?8 Tin the Bear Chair by the fire.
+ C2 u* l3 K0 z0 h  a$ r  Z$ |: }小小熊没有吭声,他在大大熊温暖而安全的怀抱中睡着了。
  K% g& Q- O% o大大熊抱着小小熊回到洞穴,
/ _1 ?! t2 v% R回到椅子上继续看书,一边还抱着小小熊。
  L! P% n' X+ ?" f* e6 Y- [- e- |5 C# ~! z
. C# h( r$ a( j. M3 r
And Big Bear read the Bear Book right to...
2 L/ [2 ~, a- Q5 @8 d7 }大大熊继续阅读
9 a) z! X1 G9 J

其他廖彩杏相关的信息:0 l7 L0 ?1 c, x' w2 Z# Z: }
廖彩杏书单新编新增168本英文绘本详细目录汇总. U6 A" U$ ?" z  D











( o* E* y0 u; S2 Q- Z: {6 L# N2 q
! R) k" _* X+ t7 {0 @7 P0 V
廖彩杏书单阅读 一个从未留洋,也自承发音并不道地的廖彩杏,总是很诚心的告诉对方:“与其花钱去补习班,不如有规律的听英文有声故事,不仅经济实惠,而且效果更好。”她自创了一年52周100本英文绘本阅读计划和书目清单,更有效的带孩子启蒙英语。 群主: 风起云涌

