廖彩杏书单168本神奇机器系列Flashing fire engines 炫酷消防车内容及译文分享 炫酷消防车Flashing fire engines这本书来自<Amazing Machines>系列,通过诙谐有趣的插图和押韵逗趣的文字,配合可爱的动物角色,为孩子们介绍了十种最让人着迷的神奇机器, 其中包括:飞机、船、拖拉机、卡车、火车、潛水艇、火箭、消防车、挖掘机、汽车。
广受好评的绘本以押韵的文字,鲜明的图画,可爱的动物角色,让孩子看了后爱不释手。带领小朋友进入一个神奇的机器世界,让小朋友兴趣盎然地学习科普小知识。大卡车的精美外形,吸引孩子眼球;满满一车的可爱小书,送去满满的欢乐。喜欢汽车等机械的小童一定不要错过这本《炫酷消防车Flashing fire engines》哦! Flashing fire engines这本书最近被收录到了廖彩杏书单里面,在廖彩杏新增加的36周书单里面就有,下面先提前来预习一下,看看内页吧,还是中英文双译哦。
Big, bold fire engines, waiting day and night, ready for a rescue or a blazing fire to fight. 威武光亮的救火车,日夜整装待发,准备奔赴火光冲天的救灾现场。
As soon as there’s a fire alarm, the engine starts to roar. 火警铃声一响,救火车就发动了。 The firefighters jump aboard-it rumbles out the door. 消防员跳上车,伴着尖啸的警笛他们出发了。
Watch the engine speeding,on its daring dash. 发动机轰隆隆响着,消防车飞快地行驶。 Hear its siren screaming. See its bright lights flash. 消防车开始鸣笛了,灯不停地闪啊闪。
In helmets, fireproof coats and trousers,boots so big and strong, the crew are dressed and ready as the engine zooms along. 戴上头盔,穿好消防服和厚重的消防靴,消防员们整装待发,救火车呼啸而去。
When the engine finds the fire, it quickly pulls up near. 救火车到达火场,迅速停车。 The crew jump out, unroll the hose and get out all the gear. 消防员跳下车,展开水管,打开消防栓。
The hose has got a nozzle that shoots a jet of spray. 水管配有高压喷头,可以喷射出水。 It squirts right at the blazing flames and sizzles them away. 直指熊熊烈火燃烧的位置,把火熄灭。 The water tank is empty soon, so where can more be found? 水箱里的水很快用光了,去哪多找一些水呢? The engine’s pump can pull it up from pipes below the ground. 救火车里的水泵可以从地下管道中抽水。
The fire is hot and roaring. It makes a lot of smoke. 灼人的火光咆哮着,产生大量浓烟。 The firefighters put on masks, otherwise they’d choke. 消防员戴上了面罩,以防窒息。
The ladder rises upward. It reaches for the sky. 云梯高高升上天空。 A fire engine’s ladder stretches up so very high! 它能延长得很高很远。 Sometimes there’s a platform, right up at the top. 正在云梯最顶端,往往会有一个平台。 It waits beside the window. Then into it you hop. 平台伸到窗边,只等被困人员跳上来。
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