快乐瓢虫双语童书·自然拼读之单词家族 [3-6岁] $ Y8 y1 h s7 m* a3 L$ l) j
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出版社: 北京师范大学出版社 ISBN:9787303208005 版次:1 商品编码:12167504 包装:盒装 丛书名: 快乐瓢虫双语童书 外文名称:Award Phonics 开本:24开 出版时间:2016-10-01 用纸:胶版纸 页数:600 字数:603000 点读包下载链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1u7CxZWEIXJnMtCkAQdFVtw 提取码: 2019正在特惠团购下单链接:https://www.i-bei.com.cn/product/product/product_id/832.shtml
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《快乐瓢虫双语童书·自然拼读之单词家族》寓教于乐,采取4步学习法,采用绘本+App的形式,循序渐进地引导孩子通过阅读和活动,达到自然拼读进阶的学习目的。 ' o: Z3 d/ a3 h! j& ^. H
9 f! T; ^; x9 ^ ^【目录】 & x1 l2 g( e; B i" t5 _) O- `& i; I3 M
1. Where is Jack? 2. Super Dan, the Fix-it Man 3. Rat-tat-tat 4. Mad, Sad, Glad 5. Where Is the Snail? 6. Rain 7. A Big Mistake 8. We Are the Same 9. Too Late! 10. Mario, How Are You Today? 11. All on the Wall 12. Ker-thump! 13. A Treat to Eat 14. What Do You See? 15. I Spell Very Well 16. What Happened Then? 17. West Street 18. A Pet You Have Not Met 19. The Ice Cream Cones on a Stick Trick 20. Aunt Kit Can Knit 21. Down the Hill 22. Gran's Legs Are Thin 23. Blink and Wink 24. Bring Me a String 25. Mice Like Rice 26. I Ride Outside 27. A Dark, Dark Night 28. The Frog and the Dog 29. Hop to the Shop 30. What Is Hot and What Is Not 31. The Cookbook 32. The Clown in Town ) Q- f9 O2 S! L/ V+ ?- o
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