2015-7-17 19:09:34
2015-4-7 19:22:56
2015-4-1 14:50:13


2013-10-27 10:23:09
多多妈1 发表了新日志
林清玄 --- 蝴蝶的种子
我在院子里,观察一只蛹,如何变成蝴蝶。   那只蛹咬破了壳,全身湿软地从壳中钻了出来,它的翅膀卷曲皱缩成一团,它站在枝桠上休息晒太阳,好像钻出壳已经 ...
2013-10-8 16:52:05
多多妈1 发表了新日志
Thankis for keeping me company, We both never need feel lonely and more. My dear hubby, little naughty boy, in this stormy day, it dawnedon me tha ...
2013-9-29 11:35:45
多多妈1 发表了新日志
长假倒计时, 轻松一下, 笑死了别找我!
1. 人活着真累, 所以叫人类. 2. 狐狸太未成精, 纯属太年轻. 3. 农夫山泉有点甜, 男人说话有点悬. 4. 我在马路边, 看到一分钱, 刚要弯腰捡, 原来是口痰 ...
2013-9-28 07:10:07
多多妈1 发表了新日志
成长, 成为自己
Be yourself. There is something that you can do better than any other. Listen to inward voice and bravely obey that. 做你自己。 总有一件 ...
2013-9-24 11:49:04
多多妈1 发表了新日志
诸葛亮给子书 六十八字
夫君子之行,静以修身,俭以养德;非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远 夫学须静也,才须学也;非学无以广才,非志无以成学 怠慢则不能励精,险躁则不能治性 年与时 ...
2013-9-22 07:08:39
多多妈1 发表了新日志
1.油条: 不受煎熬, 不会成熟; 总受煎熬, 会成为老油条; 2. 面包: 渺小时, 比较充实; 伟大后, 觉得空虚; 3. 拉面: 想成功, 得有人拉一把.
2013-9-20 13:36:18
多多妈1 发表了新日志
On the bookshelf...
Friends; The Great GATSBY; Alice\'s Adventures in Wonderland
2013-9-18 09:58:41
多多妈1 发表了新日志
A letter to parents. how much have you fulfilled?
1. Don\'t spoil me. I know quite well that I ought not to have all I ask for ... I\'m only testing you. 
别溺爱我。我很清楚地知道,不应该得 ...
2013-9-7 08:47:18
多多妈1 发表了新日志
Logged on every day to get more score!
Cheer up! More Score and more resource!
2013-9-6 22:01:48
多多妈1 发表了新日志
Big Day!
Registered today! Really much resource here, I enjoyed staying here and sharing information with all of the friends. Thanks.