发表于: 2018-11-22 17:45:00
英文读物:Even My Ears Are Smiling 英文儿童诗集  书籍文本+MP3音频文件/ z4 ]% K. O+ b9 g* M1 h2 V

- P* e, ^, e& r6 }7 o这是一份初级阅读资源。
7 D# Y. g1 q% q. \4 E3 X内容就是一首首具有故事性,以学拼读为目的的简单上口的小诗。
) T' P9 k: A( j1 _0 u一共86首小诗,已更新完毕。. k- p3 u; @1 L  T3 E
英文儿童分册读物:Even My Ears Are Smiling  连我的耳朵都在微笑MP3音频+文本 ( E0 n! C- ?0 E5 E- U9 {

" u1 G4 E+ `, Q% f3 F; s) w( B/ SFollowing the publication of bestselling Mustard, Custard, Grumble Belly and Gravy, Michael Rosen has followed up with a brilliant new book of poems that are funny, thought-provoking and always with Michael's immediately accessible and child-centred voice. The poems included are a mix of classic favourites and also many brand new poems. The cheeky, full-colour illustrations by much loved Babette Cole make the perfect partnership.% }; T6 U" s6 w, D+ e

4 U- x3 @/ [7 l! w9 a! N' u, ^( i: a, k链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1rQmdseqNH6lxE_Q6_P6_Lw
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MUMUMMY  评论于  2018-12-21 10:37:25
原版英语资料下载 原版英语资源圈建设的目的就是帮助爸妈们更好的找到需要的资料,本圈子主要是分英语绘本pdf、英语MP3音频。大家如果在外面没找到自己想要的资源,可以在本圈子搜索或求助。欢迎各位爸爸妈妈加入哦! 群主: Miranda

