发表于: 2018-11-22 09:31:46
I Can Read Berenstain Bears贝贝熊25册点读版ib点读包下载
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1. The Berenstain Bears: All Aboard!

2. The Berenstain Bears CLEAN HOUSE[/p

3. The Berenstain Bears' Class Trip

4. The Berenstain Bears Down on the Farm

5. The Berenstain Bears' Family Reunion

6. The Berenstain Bears'Help the homeless

7. The Berenstain Bears' New Pup

8. The Berenstain Bears: Honey hunt helpers

9. The Berenstain Bears Play T-Ball

10.The Berenstain Bears'KITTEN RESCUE

11.The Berenstain Bears' Sleepover

12.The Berenstain Bears and we love trucks!

13.The Berenstain Bears Neihbor in need

14.The Berenstain Bears at the Aquarium

15.The Berenstain Bears' Seashore Treasure

16.The Berenstain Bears and Mama for mayor!  

17.The Berenstain Bears and the wishing star

18 .The Berenstain Bears out west

19 .The Berenstain Bears New Kitten

20. The Berenstain Bears and the Shaggy little pony

21. The Berenstain Bears  and the Baby chipmunk

22.The Berenstain Bears and the little lost cub

23. The Berenstain Bears God made the seasons

24 The Berenstain Bears Faith gets us through

25 The Berenstain Bears MAMA'S HELPERS


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