发表于: 2018-7-12 16:18:51

Key Words Collection1-36册英文原版

& e, u* z1 j' p5 {, M2 m

英国50年经典,全球畅销9500万册,数百万家庭实践,第一套将关键词(key words)和自然拼读法(Phonics)结合的少儿英语分级读物。英国著名教育专家、语言学家和杰出插画艺术家十年心血之作。听说读写全覆盖,有效提升孩子英语学习成绩。听说读写全覆盖,自然渗透品格教育、生命教育、情感教育,有效提升孩子英语学习成绩。

3 v+ r, ~6 S5 z& [, i' q/ ?
0 Z$ i/ U* D- }! w3 \

Key Words专为4-15岁儿童设计,共12级36册,是用300个关键词编写的一套非常严谨的分级阅读体系,本系列包括1-6级18册。


; r% s0 @: v1 h

6 N+ F: Q9 X! y& j

每个级别包含a、 b、c 3册:

a系列逐步介绍和重复关键词;b系列针对这些关键词,用不同的故事和图画,提供更多的阅读练习;c系列引入相似的单词,使孩子系统地掌握自然拼读 法,能够读难度更大的单词。增加了单词的拼写练习,把单词认读、拼写与阅读结合起来,全面发展儿童的英语能力。

孩子如果按照 1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2c的模式来学习,就能从这套关键词阅读体系中获得大的收益。

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  m" s3 a7 y" d; l) P' d9 Z1 V9 ?0 O/ s2 |3 }


01-Key Words: 1a Play with us(有音频)

02-Key Words: 1b Look at this(有音频)

03-Key Words: 1c Read and write(练习册)

04-Key Words: 2a We have fun(有音频)

05-Key Words: 2b Have a go(有音频)

06-Key Words: 2c I like to write(练习册)

07-Key Words: 3a Things we like(有音频)

08-Key Words: 3b Boys and girls(有音频)

09-Key Words: 3c Let me write(练习册)

10-Key Words: 4a Things we do(有音频)

11-Key Words: 4b Fun at the farm(有音频)

12-Key Words: 4c Say the sound(练习册)

13-Key Words: 5a Where we go(有音频)

14-Key Words: 5b Out in the sun(有音频)

15-Key Words: 5c More sounds to say(练习册)

16-Key Words: 6a Our friends(有音频)

17-Key Words: 6b We like to help(有音频)

18-Key Words: 6c Reading with sounds(练习册)

19-Key Words: 7a Happy holiday(有音频)

20-Key Words: 7b Fun and games(有音频)

21-Key Words: 7c Easy to sound(练习册)

22-Key Words: 8a Sunny days(有音频)

23-Key Words: 8b The big house(有音频)

24-Key Words: 8c Fun with sounds(练习册)

25-Key Words: 9a Games we like(有音频)

26-Key Words: 9b Jump from the sky(有音频)

27-Key Words: 9c Enjoying reading(练习册)

28-Key Words: 10a Adventure on the island(有音频)

29-Key Words: 10b Adventure at the castle(有音频)

30-Key Words: 10c Learning is fun(练习册)

31-Key Words: 11a Mystery on the island(有音频)

32-Key Words: 11b The carnival(有音频)

33-Key Words: 11c Books are exciting(练习册)

34-Key Words: 12a The holiday camp mystery(有音频)

35-Key Words: 12b Mountain Adventure(有音频)

36-Key Words: 12c The opendoor to reading (练习册)


团购书目英文原版  Key Words with Peter and Jane【套装36册】

英文原版Key Words Collection1-12级36册
+ d7 q. S! k# b% C: b: C链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1uotnHUODDKSSiWhUGKp6Tw
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