发表于: 2018-7-5 14:23:21

tabitha posy was ever so nosy  

6 z7 y( ]" p, L+ L2 C+ W: E: R


1 D" h# k! i& x5 z1 e/ N  R" r

Adelightful rhymingstory about a nosy little girl and her misadventures at the zoo Tabitha Posy is a pest to everyong in the town of Hamilton Shady. Shecan t help but be curious, and sticks her nose in other people s business much to her neighbors' chagrin.One day, on a school trip to the zoo, Tabitha s nosiness gets her into a bit of trouble with one of the zoo s less friendly animals "

% U' U5 y4 n  c0 I) J# Y% l

the fearsome beastie 可怕的野兽

/ N- @$ i6 L& \! m! C


9 X7 y7 r6 t) U" K: @. ]# n

0 H4 S9 N* ~! Z1 r5 V& _

The fearsome beastie is hungry and the children from the town are top of his menu. The fearsome beastie tricks the children into feeling sorry for him and eats them all. Little Pete escapes and knows just the person to help...His Gran!

' p9 x- P2 H; c6 F2 w4 z) A% q

thejelly that wouldn’t wobble不动的果冻

3 X  f4 s* h( v( [


9 |: I3 M8 t1 p$ z( m

It is Princess Lolly's 89th birthday and she is holding a banquet. For her birthday the cook has made the most magnificent jelly. However the jelly refuses to wobble! All the different guests try different ways of making it wobble but the jelly is stubborn; it doesn t want to be eaten. Finally the smallest guest comes up with an idea to put ice cream with the jelly. Suddenly the jelly begins shivering and quaking, then finally it wobbles.

( K6 b( Q! ~  Z7 U

The Dog Detectives: Lost in London 小狗神探:迷失伦敦

& T1 Y. c. Y6 E0 _3 x# j


5 K) S2 Z3 S" Z/ k3 c0 S( U

The Dog Detectives are cycling through the busy streets of London when they crash into a new case: the guardians of the city, six black ravens, are missing from the Tower of London.

1 ^& ?4 Z2 P$ g' C

Grandma Bendy 班迪奶奶

6 T3 K# g% y7 H! Y3 m. y* e


5 Z" s, Z! q$ r

Grandma Bendy is the bendiest grandma. She has twizzly arms and super stretchy legs! In the past Grandma Bendy used her skills for bad and was an excellent burglar. When her own house is burgled she realizes how unhappy she makes people and gives herself up. Many years later, when Grandma Bendy is released from a bendy-proof prison, she discovers that no one really likes her.....

, g/ M" X8 ~" A5 _0 q$ ~英文原版:睡前故事精选5册超大开本0 o& l, C% y# M- s. y& P
6 |- L2 H1 d3 j6 g; l. |* r密码:
3 z. [# D* o5 X& g: P# K" D

# }; E9 H8 P0 [1 ?* @
骨朵妈  评论于  2018-7-9 14:50:07
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