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内容推荐# S9 p# ]& K8 W8 i9 ?6 u5 r6 d" a
彩虹池塘中央的小岛上,住着三只自私的青蛙,他们一天到晚不停地争吵,生怕对方占了便宜。有一天,暴雨来袭,小岛即将被吞没,他们挤在一起,共同面对困难。洪水退去之后,青蛙们不再吵闹,而是一起玩耍,一起分享快乐……. Z: D: v& X; x- y' o" O- N) I/ ?
Threeselfish frogs live together on an island in the middle of RainbowPond. All day long they bicker:It’s mine! It’s mine! It’smine!But a bad storm and a big brown toad help them realizethat sharing is much more fun. With characteristic clarity,simplicity and exuberance, Leo Lionni makes it possible for kids tosee themselves through the antics of others who share ourworld.+ Q W! V N% ?3 z$ |. [
/ L! Y7 z- d3 S! |Three selfish frogs live together on an island in the middle of Rainbow Pond. All day long they bicker: It’s mine! It’s mine! It’s mine But a bad storm and a big brown toad help them realize that sharing is much more fun. With characteristic clarity, simplicity and exuberance, Leo Lionni makes it possible for kids to see themselves through the antics of others who share our world+ g$ t' E. a, ?3 b" L, O
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