英文绘本The Snowy Day下雪天(获凯迪克大奖金奖)ib格式点读包下载. w7 i" Q' x9 N3 z
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Waking up to a world of snowy white-what could be better? Young peter can't wait to jump in his snowsuit and run out to explore. There are snowmen to build snowballs to pack, mountains to climb and snowbanks to collapse in-to carve a snow angel! And when the day is done, there's a dark night of dreams and drifting snow, and a new snowy day to awake to.8 F& d8 R' J: ]' b8 h5 n
+ D" \ s$ C! R @1 \+ iNo book has captured the magic and sense of possibility of the first snowfall better than The Snowy Day, winner of the Caldecott Medal.
/ ], x5 S# G. \: I4 D- I6 E" c 小男孩彼得,一早醒来发现昨夜下了雪,兴奋地跑到雪地里玩各种游戏,他堆了一个雪人和一个天使。回家前,还把在院子里捏的雪球放进口袋里,想留到明天再玩。回家后彼得泡在浴缸里,还忍不住一再回味,于是睡前去翻口袋,找寻带回来的雪,口袋却是空的,小雪球不见了,让他很失望。上床后又梦到太阳溶融了所有的雪。但他一觉醒来,窗外却正在下着雪……
' n6 W; o; p2 D# k0 z1 Q 简单的故事却传神地展现出儿童的天真、好奇、幽默和创意。
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