Mr. Gumpy's Outing 和甘伯伯去游河ib格式点读包下载! Y6 w0 Y+ m( ~+ @# f
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One fine morning Mr. Gumpy decides it's a perfect day for anouting in his little boat. Apparently, plenty of others think so,too. First some children ask to join him, then a rabbit, a cat, adog, a pig, a sheep ... Soon, Mr. Gumpy's boat is precariouslyfull, and there's nowhere for anyone else to go--but overboard!This mild mariner takes everything in stride, though, and hisguests are soon bellying up to a nice tea.
! T- a; U3 m/ N John Burningham earned the Kate Greenaway Medal, an ALA NotableChildren's Book award, and the Boston Globe-Horn Book Award for Mr.Gumpy's Outing, and it's no wonder. This gifted and highly originalauthor-illustrator creates a vision of glorious summer with deeplytextured, sometimes only suggested, drawings. His tentativelyquestioning animals are ready to step right out of the pages andquietly join the delighted reader. And the simple, repetitivedialogue will lull the listener as long as it takes to reach theboat's maximum capacity. Even then, there's no big splash--just anunderstated, Burningham-esque "and into the water they fell." Youngreaders will never tire of this gentle, comforting storybook. P0 V! {) B. Y2 X% ]% O
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