英文绘本The Tiger-Skin Rug 虎皮毯子 凯特格林纳威奖ib格式点读包下载; o. q0 q/ b" v: ^) e" z
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2 [8 z: A( e2 y& z内容提要
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画风非常有趣,故事讲述了一直饥饿的衰老的老虎,为了吃到东西,冒充一张虎皮,被富人家铺到了客厅。情节很滑稽。夜晚,每当富人的宴饮结束,老虎就把剩下的吃的一扫而光。慢慢的,老虎长胖了,很难再伪装成一张虎“皮”趴在地上;正在这种尴尬的时候,强盗闯了进来......2 s& I! f/ W* u. w: z: b
3 H3 I* C0 r. O# @It's amazing how easy it isfor the tiger to pass himself off as a rug - he enjoys a lifeofluxury with the rajah'sfamily, snacking on midnight feasts and playing with hischildren.He goes entirelyundetected, until one night, when he risks expulsion fromhiscomfortable abode asburglars break into the palace and he has to decide whethertostay in disguise as a rug -or save the rajah from a horrible beating.However, tigers who live inhouses can have happy endings, as seen in thisutterlybrilliant picturebook.& r# K" R* J- d& H5 @4 G* A
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作者介绍: a( W9 t. E$ x# A6 V" n9 H
* Z7 Q8 t5 |) m. y9 Y) PGerald Rose was born in HongKong. When the Second World War started, hisfatherbecame a prisoner of war, andGerald and his mother were interned in a civiliancamp,which was where he saw hisfirst live tiger.Frustrated by the dearth ofgood illustrated books for children, his wife, Elizabeth,helpedhim to write and illustrate anumber of books. Gerald won the Kate Greenaway Medalin1960 for Old Winkle andthe Seagulls and won the Premio Critici in 1979 in Erba, Italyfor
3 ]. O- N H2 c/ |: c‘Ahhh!' SaidStork. Gerald now lives inHove, East Sus**.7 q3 ?, A5 d5 c: M8 P# R, U# V b& h
: H8 w+ e9 j" N1 \2 T% T
5 b( C& |/ `" B. [! m7 J* V, a S" ~3 v$ @/ v5 o( V
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