原版英文Out of the Hitler Time Series 1-3 - Judith Kerr 电子书Mobi+epub分享
, ?& L0 ^% I, K% J3 e% k0 {Anna was a German child when she had to flee from the Nazis before the War. By the time the bombs began to fall she was a stateless adolescent in London, and after it was all over she became a happily married Englishwoman who thought she had put the past behind her.) \; j8 n% o q/ O
About the Author$ H# V7 w& t0 L; w W
Judith Kerr was born in Berlin, the daughter of a distinguished German writer. She left Germany with her family in 1933 to escape from the Nazis and they arrived in England in 1936, having spent the intervening years in Switzerland and France. She has a daughter who is a designer and a son who is a novelist. Judith lives in London.
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