Miranda [博士生]
3820 6
发表于: 2017-9-9 14:35:51
原版英文Lucy and the Rocket Dog - Will Buckingham 电子书mobi+epub分享
3 O' i, m: d4 sLucy loves space. She loves to gaze up at the stars and bask in space’s bigness and its here, there, and everywhereness. She loves it so much that she built a rocket ship in her backyard, hoping that one day she can use it to explore space herself. The ship is just Prototype I, though, so it’s not ready to carry anyone into orbit yet. Or so she thinks. 7 \  A9 Q+ P' n7 r2 d

" m1 c0 a7 M* t3 ]: `# DLaika doesn’t give much thought to space—she is a dog, after all. The thing that Laika loves the most is Lucy. She loves Lucy so much that, one evening, she wanders into Prototype I looking for her—and is promptly launched into space.$ X. M7 c9 N' ]1 W. P

. O( h& k$ b. v$ w( [2 E. d( U( O! HWhile Laika takes off on an intergalactic adventure, Lucy begins a lifelong scientific quest to bring her dog home. Told from the two friends’ alternating perspectives and, in turns, heartbreaking and hilarious, this tale will win over anyone who has ever loved a pet, or who has looked at the stars and wondered just what might be going on in the here, there, and everywhereness.
7 D+ z5 m* O: v( p! c5 V. s" G* rAbout the Author作者简介  M- V* g, h% }; N3 {: H( b
Will Buckingham is a novelist, lecturer, and philosopher based in Leicester, England. Will’s most recent books include a Teach Yourself book on the art, craft, and graft of writing novels; the children’s book The Snorgh and the Sailor, published in the UK; a novel, The Descent of the Lyre; a little philosophy book called Introducing Happiness; and a monograph on the philosopher Emmanuel Levinas. Learn more about Will on his website at WillBuckingham.com and on Twitter at @WillBuckingham./ D6 {6 b9 a- O/ d
+ Q$ p9 P/ e, j+ ]- M
原版英文Lucy and the Rocket Dog - Will Buckingham 电子书mobi+epub分享 * z! k( R+ d6 \  Z, ~* H6 {' h
) x8 s$ b+ d& |4 |# M链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1c2IUUSK 密码:

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原版英语资料下载 原版英语资源圈建设的目的就是帮助爸妈们更好的找到需要的资料,本圈子主要是分英语绘本pdf、英语MP3音频。大家如果在外面没找到自己想要的资源,可以在本圈子搜索或求助。欢迎各位爸爸妈妈加入哦! 群主: Miranda

