悠悠小荷  发表于 2017-8-22 08:54:54| 1524 次查看 | 1 条回复
1. The plane’s been delayed ten minutes.
飞机晚点10 分钟。

2. I see her about three times a month.

3. A dime is 10 cents. it’s one tenth of a dollar.
一角为10 美分,是一美元的十分之一。

4. I waited for you for about a quarter of an hour.

5. The speed limit here is sixty miles an hour.
这儿限速为每小时60 英里。

6. The bridge is about three hundred and eighty-five feet long.
这座桥长约385 英尺。

7. I’ve got a slight fever. it’s thirtyseven point eight degree.
我有点发烧。体温37.8 度。

8. Today’s exchange rate is one hundred seventy point eight.

9. I’m leaving on northwest flight 102 on sunday the thirteenth.
星期天,也就是13 日我乘西北航空的102 航班离开。

10. My address is thirty-six, south seventy-fifth street, apartment ten.
我的地址是南75 街36 号,10单元。

11. A strong man stole his mobile phone worth $2,000 yesterday night.
昨晚,一个强壮的男人抢走了他的价值2,000 美元的手机。

12. It takes him thirty-five minutes towalk to his office.
他要35 分种才能走到他的办公室。

13. I want to spend two days in shanghai with friends.

14. I try to work out at least five timesa week.
我努力做到1 周健身5 次。

15. A 10:01 flight in the mornig and a 15:01 flight in the afternoon.

16. They give us a bonus of $1,000.他们给我们1,000 美元奖金。
17. We’ve been able to finish the project in three weeks.

18. There’re ten more gallons of wine if you need them.
如果你需要,还有10 加仑酒。

19. And grandmother still looks likeshe’s only sixty.
奶奶看上去还只有60 岁。

20. I’m afraid the bus will not come around for another 45 minutes.
恐怕再过45 分钟,车也不会来。

彬旺本  评论于  2017-8-22 09:19:57