1真无聊。It's boring.
3.无聊,不足为取。It's for the birds.
4.我没兴趣。I'm not interested.
5.乏善可陈。It's nothing great.
6.我不满意。I`m not satisfied.
7.那只是个很平常的聚会。It's just anohter meeting.
8.我对我的工作没兴趣。I can't get into my work.
9.这个已经过时了,这个已经跟不上时代了。It's outdated.
10.你饶了我吧,别说笑了吧。Give me a break.
11.我已经没办法忍受了。I can`t stand it.
12.够了。That's enough.
13.饶了我吧。Have a heart.
14.我越听就越觉得厌烦。The more I hear about it ,the more disgusted I get.
15.她又开始了。There she goes again.
16.噢,烦死了。Oh, man!
17.我不想听。I don't want to hear it.
18.接着又是什么了。Now what!