发表于: 2017-7-15 14:50:59
camilla the cupcake fairy ib点读包   下载 camilla the cupcake fairyn
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/ N% I) m/ r2 h  D% c) q0 {Join Camilla the Cupcake Fairy in her magical cupcake world with four brilliant new adventures, c# D2 Q1 a' n0 }
Meet "Camilla the Cupcake Fairy's Best Friends. "Enjoy "Camilla the Cupcake Fairy's Magic Sprinkles. "Read all about "Camilla the Cupcake Fairy's Magic Wand. "Join in with "Camilla the Cupcake Fairy's Tea **" Each page of these cupcake-shaped books is packed with simple rhyming text and beautiful, lively illustrations. Young children will love reading about Camilla's adventures and using their imagination to enter her world of cupcakes, fairies and sparkles
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camilla the cupcake fairy ib点读包   下载! N1 @( M9 s  G7 ]$ q2 C3 C
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1o7OwC46 密码:

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徐林伟  评论于  2017-8-1 20:32:00
感谢楼主分享  孩子很喜欢
zzw6006  评论于  2017-8-21 10:50:19
爱贝亲子点读资源圈 爱贝亲子点读笔资源分享圈,文件格式为IB格式。 群主: 点读包下载

