悠悠小荷  发表于 2017-6-24 14:08:43| 2504 次查看 | 2 条回复
1.我回来了I`m home.
2.你回来了Welcome home.
3.今天还愉快吗?Did you have a goo d time?
4.今天过的如何?How did it go today?
5.我可以出去玩吗?Can I go out to play?
6.我饿了。I`m hungry.
7.有点心、零食吗?Where are the snacks?
8.我去补习了。I`m going to cram school now.
9.可以给我零用钱吗?May I have my allowance?
10.好累呀。I`m tired.
11.晚餐要吃什么?What would you like for dinner?
12.可以帮我准备一下餐具吗?Would you help me set the table?
13.晚餐要煮什么好?What should I make for dinner?
14.还是在家里好。It`s good to be home.
15.可以去商店帮我买点东西吗?Would you run to the store?
16. 洗澡水好了。The bath is ready.
17.我想冲个澡,淋浴。I`m taking a shower.
18.晚饭好了吗?Is dinner ready?
19.妈,今天晚上吃什么?Mum ,what`s for dinner tonight?
20.晚餐吃什么?What`s for dinner?
21.今天吃咖喱饭。Today we`re having curry.
22.还要多久可以做好?How soon can you get it ready?
23.我开动了。Let`s eat.
24.先吃吧。Please go ahead.
25.这把刀子很利好切。This knife cuts well, doesn`t it?
26.水开了,滚了。The water is boiling.
27.吃饭了。Come and get it.
28.该吃饭了。It`s time to eat.
29.马上来了。I`m coming.
30.手洗干净了吗?Did you wash your hands well?
31.不要弄倒了。Don`t spill it.
32.把蔬菜全部吃完。Eat all of your vegetables.
33.把盘里的东西全部吃完。Finish up your plate.
34.我不喜欢吃芦笋。I don't like asparagus.
35.东西很好吃,谢谢你。It is very delicious,thank you.
36.可以帮我整理碗盘吗?Would you clear the table?
37.把碗盘洗一洗。Do the dishes.
38.我来擦盘子。I'll dry the dishes.
39.你在做什么?What are you doing?
40.我在看电视。I'm watching TV.
41.有什么好看的节目吗Are there any good programs on TV?
42. Nomo出来了,在电视里。Nomo is on TV.
43.第八频道在演什么?What's on Channel eight.
44.可以转别台看吗?Would you change the channel?
45.我想再多看一下电视。I want to watch more TV.
46.来铺棉被吧。Let's spread out the futon.
47.好困呀。I'm sleepy.
48.作业写完了吗?Did you do your homework?
49.好好地读书。Study hard.
50.快点去睡觉。Hurry up and go to sleep.
51.不要再玩电视游乐器了。Enough with your video games.
52.一定要刷牙。Make sure you brush your teeth.
53.明天的事都已经准备好了吗?Are you ready for tomorrow?
54.我去洗个澡。I am going to take a bath.
55.不早了,该睡觉了。Time to go to sleep.
56.你电视放着没关。You left the TV on.
57.不要把东西丢在这里不收拾。Don't leave your stuff here.
58.我已经把闹钟设定在8点了。I set the alarm clock for 8.
59.明天早上7点叫我起床。Wake me up at 7 tomorrow.
61.祝你有个好梦。Sweet dreams.

蓝蓝天上soc  评论于  2017-6-24 14:09:30
蝈蝈_66849  评论于  2017-6-26 14:23:20