悠悠小荷  发表于 2017-5-3 09:25:16| 1363 次查看 | 1 条回复

first braise(炖,蒸) the onions.
saute(煎,炸,炒) the potatoes.
boil(煮) the peas.
i baked(烤) the cake yesterday.
stir-fried(快炒的) green peppers are delicious.
brown(煎) the meat first and then add vegetables.
broil(烤) the steak.
grill(烤) the sausages.
are you going to pickle(淹) these cucumbers ?

where is the frying pan ?
the chinese frying pan is called a wok.
have you ever tried using a pressure cooker ?
use the cleaver(切肉刀) to cut the chicken.
use a spatula(小铲).

garlic and ginger(姜) are essential for chinese cooking.
add some minced onions to the soup.
marinate the pork chops before frying them.
did you add the msg ?
is the sauce ready ?

i would like a poached egg(荷包蛋).
french food use a lot of dairy products.
i've made the batter(面糊) for the cake.
use lean ground beef(绞碎的牛肉) to make hamburgers.
is the beef stew ready yet ?
come help me make noodles.
fried chicken is delicious.
did you put the stuffing(填料) in the turkey ?
do you know how to make roast beef ?
have you ever tried steamed fish ?

let the soup simmer awhile longer.
let the beans ferment(发哮) for two weeks.
who made this casserole of kitcken ?
we don't have any stock for soup.
what's that wonderful aroma coming from the kitchen ?
cut the potatoes into tubes.
wait until the oil is hot.
i smell something burning.

shenling093  评论于  2017-5-3 09:29:58