悠悠小荷  发表于 2017-3-27 09:30:14| 1046 次查看 | 1 条回复

A Special Guest


A lawyer finds himself at the Pearly Gates at the same time as the pope. Both men are allowed to enter heaven, and the lawyer is ensconced in a magnificent mansion. But he sees that the pope is housed in a far more humble dwelling. Unable to restrain his curiosity, the lawyer asks St. Peter about it.

“Well, you see,” replies St. Peter, “we have dozens of popes up here, but we’ve never had a lawyer before.”


1.the Pearly Gates 珍珠门(通往天堂之大门)

2.allow vt. 给予;允许(=permit)
allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事
例:Why don't you allow your son to date? After all, he is thirty years old.

3.ensconce vt. 安置

4.magnificent a. 壮丽的
例:I was held in awe by the magnificent of the huge mountain.

5.mansion n. 公 馆;邸 宅

6.be housed in... 被安置于……
=be accommodated in...
=be ensconced in...
例:The parentless child was finally housed in an orphanage.

7.humble a. 简陋的;谦恭的
例:You don't have to be too humble in his presence.

8.dwelling n. 住处

9.restrain vt. 抑制;约束

10.curiosity n. 好奇心
curious a. 好奇的
例:I'm just curious; does your little boy often expose himself?

sehtr  评论于  2017-3-27 09:39:19