悠悠小荷  发表于 2017-2-23 09:39:29| 1080 次查看 | 1 条回复

Oh I see!


Mr. Beans had always wanted to travel to the African jungle to hunt, and , to his mind, the greatest prey was beyond doubt the mighty gorilla.Unfortunately, the gorilla is an endangered species, and may no longer be killed for sport, but Mr. Beans had heard of one professional hunter who had devised a way to capture the gorilla alive.

One fine day found Mr. Beans talking to the great white hunter, Mr. Bones, in his tent.

“Well, if you want to go on safari, my service will cost you $ 1,000 a . day, my man Mbulu $ 500 a day, $ 500 for the schnauzer and $ 500 for the pygmy with the gun,”explained Bones.

Beans did not quite understand these charges, but nonetheless agreed.

On their very first day on the hunt, Bones spotted a gorilla, which scampered up a tree. Mbulu, a mighty Zulu, pursued the ape and shook the branch on which it clung till the beast fell off. Immediately the schnauzer leapt forward, biting the befuddled ape on the most tender part of its anatomy. The gorilla fainted with shock, and was easily captured.

Mr. Beans was quite delighted, and even more so the next day, when the performance was repeated. But he still couldn’t figure out the purpose of the pygmy with the gun, for whom he was paying $ 500 a day, and who seemed only to smile and pick his teeth.

Finally, on the third day, Bones spotted the largest gorilla they’d ever encountered. As before, Mbulu pursued the primate into the tree. But this time, no amount of shaking would dislodge the beast. In fact, it turned on Mbulu, grappled with him, and sent his hurtling to the ground.

As the mighty Zulu fell, he shouted to the pygmy, "Shoot the dog! Shoot the dog!"


1.to one's mind 在某人看来
例:To my mind, there is nothing more beautiful than a baby's smile.

2.prey n. 猎物(集合名词,不可数)
fall prey to... 被……所折磨
例:Lincoln often fell prey to melancholy.

3.beyond doubt 无疑地
例:"You are beyond doubt the laziest, dirtiest, and most insolent employee I've ever had," said the boss to John.

4.mighty a. 强有力的
might n. 实力;武力
例:Hercules was the mightiest hero in Greek myth.

5.gorilla n. 大猩猩

6.endangered a. 受到危险的;濒临绝种的

7.species n. (生物)种类(单复数同形)
例:There are millions of species of insects.

8.sport n. 原意为“运动”,此处表“狩猎”

9.professional a. 职业的;专业的
amateur a. 业余的;非职业的
例:No amateur can hope to beat the professional golfers in this tournament.

10.devise vt. 设计

11.capture vt. 捕获;俘虏
例:The team captured their first national title this year.

12.safari n. 狩猎
go on safari 去探险狩猎

13.schnauzer n. 一种德国猎犬

14.pygmy n. 非洲匹美族矮小黑人

15.charge vt. 索价
charge sb for sth 因某事物向某人索价
例:They charged me NT $ 100 for the service.

16.nonetheless 仍然

17.scamper vi. 落荒而逃

18.Zulu n. 非洲祖鲁族黑人土著

19.pursue vt. 追赶

20.ape n. 猿类

21.cling vi. 附着;攀附
cling to... 坚守……
= stick to
例:The frightened child clung to her mother's skirt.

22.leap vi. 跳
例:Look before you leap.

23.befuddle vt. 使昏迷

24.tender a. 嫩的;疼痛的,一摸就痛的
例:I got sunburned three days ago and my skin is still tender.

25.anatomy n. 解剖学(此处指“身体”)

26.faint vi. 昏倒
= pass out
例:The wounded soldier fainted from loss of blood.

27.pick one's teeth 剔牙

28.encounter vt. 遭遇;邂逅
例:Little Johnny told his teacher that he encountered a little green man on his way to school, who stole his homework!

29.primate n. 灵长类动物

30.dislodge vt. 使脱位,使移动

31.grapple vi. 扭打;揪打在一起

32.hurtle vi. 高速滚动
例:The driverless car went hurtling down the hill.

fnodi  评论于  2017-2-23 09:39:58