goldfish  发表于 2016-11-16 14:07:07| 2234 次查看 | 6 条回复


It (so) happened(chanced) that +clause. = sb. happened/chanced to do sth. =sb.did sth. by chance. 如:  
It happened that he was out when I got there. 当我到那儿时,碰巧他不在。=He happened to be out when I got there.= It chanced that he was outwhen I got there= He was out by chance when I got there.  
It seems that sb. do/ be doing/ have done/ had done=Sb. seems to do/ be doing/ have done/to be done/to have been done(还有动词appear等可这样使用)如:
It seemed that he had been to Beijing before.他好象以前去过北京。=He seemed to have been to Beijingbefore.  
It is / was+被强调的部分+that(who)+剩余的部分.如:  
It wasn't until he came back that I went to bed.直到他回来我才睡觉。(一定要注意被强调句型中的谓语动词否定的转移)。 It wasbecause he was ill that he didn't come to school today.只因为他有病了今天没有来上学。(只能用because而不能用for, as 或since)  
It is I who am a student. 我确实是个学生。(句中am不能用are来代替。)  
It is high time (time/ about time)+ (that) 主语+should do / did+其它。(从句中的谓语动词用的是虚拟语气。)如:  
It is high time that we should go / went home.我们该回家了。  
It is / was said ( reported…)+that+从句. 如:  
It was said that he had read this novel.据说他读过这篇小说。=He was said to have read this novel.  
It is impossible / necessary/ strange…that clause.(从句中的谓语用should+do / should have done,其形式是虚拟语气。)如:  
It is strange that he should have failed in this exam.真奇怪,他这次考试没有及格。  
It is + a pity/ a shame…that clause.(注意从句中的谓语动词用should do或should have done的形式,但should可以省略。)如:  
He didn't come back until the film ended. It was a pity that he should havemissed this film. 他直到电影结束才回来。他没有看到这部电影真可惜。  
It is suggested / ordered/ commanded /…that +clause.(从句的谓语动词用should do, 但should可以省略。)如:  
It is suggested that the meeting should be put off.有人建议推迟会议。  
It is/was+表示地点的名词+where+从句。(注意本句不是强调句型,而是以where引导的定语从句。)如:  
It was this house where I was born.请比较:It was in this house that I was born.(后一句是强调句型。)  
It is / was +表示时间的名词+when+从句。(注意本句型也不是强调句型,而是以when引导的定语从句。)如:  
It was 1999 when he came back from the United States. 请比较:It was in 1999 that he came backfrom the United States.  
It is well-known that+从句。如:  
It is well-known that she is a learned woman.众所周知,她是个知识渊博的妇女。  
It is +段时间+since+主语+did. 请比较:  
It was +段时间+since+主语+had done. 如:  
It is five years since he left here.他已经离开这儿五年了。  
It was five years since he left here.(同上)
注意下列句型的翻译:It is five years since he lived here.他从这儿搬走已经有五年了。  
It +谓语+段时间+before+主语+谓语.( before引导的是时间状语从句。) 如:  
It wasn't long before the people in that country rose up.没有多久那个国家的人民就起义了。  
It will be three hours before he comes back.三个小时之后他才能回来。  
It is +形容词(possible,impossible, necessary等) +for+ sb.+ todo. 如:  
It is impossible for me to finish this work before tomorrow.我明天之前完成此工作是不可能的。  
It is +(心理品质方面的)形容词+of+ sb. +to do.= 主语+ be +形容词+to do.(常用的形容词有:kind, stupid; foolish, good, wise等。)如:  
It is kind of you to help me.=You are kind to help me.你真好给我提供了帮助。


As we have known, he is a most good student.众所周知,他是个很好的学生。请比较:It is well-known that he is a most good student.(前一个是定语从句,而后者是个主语从句。)  
He is a professor, which I have been looking forward to becoming. 他是个教授,那是我一直盼望的职业。(因为先行词professor是表示职业的名词,因此引导词用which,而不用who
where, when引导的定语从句(其中包括限定性的或非限定性的。)如:  
This is the house where I used to come.请比较:This is the house which / that I used to come to.  
This is the day when I joined the Party.请比较:This is the day which / that I joined the Party on.  


No matter what / which / who / where / when / whose+从句,+主句.(注意从句中的时态一般情况下用一般现在时态。)如:  
No matter what you do, you must do it well.请比较:Whatever you do, you must do it well. 无论你做什么,一定要做好。  
No matter where you go, please let me know.请比较:Wherever you go, please let me know.你无论去哪儿,请通知我。  
(注意:I willtell whoever would like to read it. 句中的whoever不能用whomever来代替。因为它即作动词tell的宾语,又作后面从句的主语。)


When / So long as / As long as / Once +从句,+主句。(从句也可以放在主句之后。)如:  
As long as you give me any money, I will let you go.只要你给我一些钱,我就让你走。  
Once you have begun to learn English, you should learn it well. 一旦你开始学习英语,你应该把它学好。  
主句+oncondition that+从句.如:  
I will go with you on condition that you give me a sum of money.我和你一起去的条件是你给我一些钱。  
I will go there tomorrow unless it rains.我明天去那儿除非下雨。  
祈使句,+and/ andthen+主句。(注意:祈使句也可用一个名词短语。)如:  
Use your head, and you will find a good idea.动脑筋想一想,你就会想出一个好主意。  
Another word, and I will beat you.你再说一句,我就揍你。  
If +necessary / impossible/ important等,+主句.(注意:if与形容词之间的it is被省略。)如:  
If necessary, I will do it. 如果有必要的话,我来做此事。


主句+in case+从句.in case表示以免)如:  
I will take my raincoat in case it rains.我要把雨衣带上以免下雨。  
主句+due to /because of / owning to / + the fact that +从句。如:  
He did not come to school because of the fact that he was ill.由于他有病了,所以没有来上学。


When / While / As +从句,+主句.如:  
When I was in the country, I used to carry some water for you.当我在农村时,我常常给你打水。  
主句+after /before +从句. 如:  
They hadn't been married four months before they were devoiced.他们结婚不到四个月就离婚了。  
We went home after we had finished the work.我们做完此工作就回家了。  
I worked until he came back.我一直工作到他回来。  
I didn't worked until he came back.他回来我才开始工作。  
As soon as / Immediately / Directly / Instantly / The moment / The instant /The minute +从句,+主句. 如:  
My father went out immediately I got home.我一到家,我父亲就出去了。  
No sooner +had + 主语+done…than +主语+did. 请比较: 主语+had + no sooner +done…than +主语+did. 如:  
No sooner had I got to Beijing than I called you.我一到北京就给你打电话了。请比较:I had no sooner got to Beijing than I called you.  
Hardly/Scarcely/ Rarely +had +主语+done…when / before + 主语+did.请比较:主语+had+hardly/Scarcely/ Rarely + done…when / before +主语+did.  
Hardly had she had supper when she went out. 她一吃完晚饭就出去了。请
比较: She hadhardly had supper when she went out.  
By the time+从句,+主句.(注意时态的变化。)如:  
By the time you came back, I had finished this book.到你回来时,我已经写完了这本书。  
By the time you come back, I will have finished this book.到你回来时,我将写完这本书了。  
each / every time +从句,+主句. (这时相当于whenever no matter when引导的从句。从句也可放在主句之后。)如:  
Each time he comes to Harbin, he always drops in on me.每当他来哈尔滨,总是顺便来看看我。


Where +从句,+主句. 如:  
Where there is no rain, farming is difficult or impossible.哪里没有雨水,种庄稼是很难的或者是不可能的。  
句型36Anywhere / Wherever+从句,+主句. 如:  
Anywhere I go, my wife goes too.无论我去哪儿,我的妻子也去哪儿。请比较:  
I will go wherever you suggest.你建议我去哪儿,我就去哪儿。


主句+in order that/ so that +从句.如:  
I got up early in order that I could catch the first bus.我起得很早,以便能赶上早班车。  
主句+for +sb.+to do.(注意动词不定式复合结构在这儿作目的状语。)如:  
He came here for me to work out this problem.他来这儿叫我帮他解出这道难题。


主句+so that+从句. 如:  
It was very cold, so that the river froze.天气很泠,因此河水结冰了。  
So+形容词/ 副词+特定动词(助动词或系动词)+主语+that+从句.  
So interesting is this book that I would like to read it again.这本书那么有趣,我想再读一遍。  
He made such rapid progress that he was praised by the teacher.他进步很快,老师表扬了他。  
Such was + 主语+that +从句.(这是个完全倒装句。)如:  
Such was the force of the explosion that all the windows were broken.爆炸力这么大,所有的窗户都被震碎了。
主句+only +to dosth. (only和动词不定式一起做结果状语)如:
I woke up very late only to find that my wife had gone to work. 我醒得很晚,结果发现我的妻子已经上班了。


The +形容词比较级……,(主句)the +形容词比较级+……如:  
The sooner you do it, the better it will be.越早越好。  
主语+谓语+as +形容词原级+as +被比较的对象. 如:  
He is as busy as a bee.他非常忙。  
主语+谓语+the+形容词比较级+of / between …  
He is the taller of the two.他们俩人中他高。  
This room is three times as large as that one.这个房间是那个房间的三倍大。(这个房间比那个房间大两倍。)  
This city is twice larger than ours.这个城市比我们城市大两倍。  
The early rice output in that commune was 200% more than that of 2001.那个公社的早稻产量是2001年的两倍。  
主语+谓语+the size/ length/ width/ height +of +被比较的对象.如:  
Our building is twice the height of yours.我们的大楼是你们大楼的两倍高。

十一、      其它句型

It doesn't matter wh-+从句。如:  
It doesn't matter to me what you will do tomorrow.你明天做什么与我无关。  
It doesn't matter whether you will come or not.你来不来无关紧要。  
形容词/ 副词 / 名词(可数单数)+as / though +主语+谓语,+主句.如:  
Young as he is, he knows a lot.虽然他很小,但他知道得很多。
Hard he works, I am sure that he can't pass this exam.虽然他学习很努力,这次考试他肯定不能及格。  
Child as he is, he knows a lot.虽然他是个孩子,但他懂得很多。  
Were / Should / Had +主语+谓语,+主句.  
Were I you, I would have gone there yesterday.如果我是你的话,昨天我就去那儿了。  
Only +状语+特定动词+主语+谓语…  
Only by this means can I do this work well.只有用那种方式我才能做好此工作。  
Only because he was ill did he not come to school.只因为他有病了才没有来上学。  
Only then did I realize that I had been wrong.只有那时,我才认识到我错了。  
Not only +特定动词+主语+谓语…butalso+主语+谓语如:
Not only did he learned English well but also he spoke French very well. 他不但英语学得好,而且法语讲得很流利。  
whether…or…, neither…nor…, either…or… 如:
Whether he will come or not isn't important.他不来不重要。
主语+doubtwhether + 从句. 请比较:主语+特定否定词+doubtthat+从句. 如:  
I don't doubt that he will come this afternoon.我确信他下午一定能来。


1. be doing/ be about todo/ had done…, when…(when:这时, 强调一个动作的突然发生)

1). I was walking along the river, when I heard a drowning boy cryfor help.

2). I was about to leave when it began to rain.

3). I had just finished my test paper when the bell rang, announcingthe exam was over.

2. It was (not ) + 时间段+before +一般过去时      过了一段时间就……..

  It will (not )be+ 时间段+before +一般现在时     要过一段时间才会…

  It is/ has been +时间段+ since…..

  It was +点时间+ when…..

  It was +时间状语+ that …..(强调句)

1). It was not long before he sensed the danger of the position.不久他就意识到他处境危险(动作已发生)

2). It will be half a year before you graduate from the school.  还有半年你才从这个学校毕业(动作未发生)

3). It is 3 years since he worked here.=he left here.(since从句中的谓语动词若是延续性动词,要从这个动作结束的时候算起)

4). It was 3 o’clock when they received the telephone.

5)  It was at 3 o’clock thatthey received the telephone.

3. no 比较级 than:         A 与B都不………   /仅仅,只有

  not比较级 than:         A 不如B   /  不超过,至多

  more……… than………   与其….倒不如……(= not as/ so…………)

  more than=not only       不仅仅……..

1). He works no harder thanI.他和我都不用功

2). He doesn’t work harderthan I.他不如我用功

3). There are no more thanseven people in the room.  屋里仅有七个人

4). There are not more than seven people in the room.  屋里至多有七个人

5). He is more diligent than clever. 与其说他聪明,倒不如说他勤奋

He is not as/so clever as diligent.

6)It is more like a meeting than like a party.--> It is not as aparty as a meeting

7).Mr. Zhang is more than my teacher, he is also my best friend.张先生不仅仅是我的老师,他还是我的朋友

4. once…..一旦….., 表示时间和条件

1)Once you understand what the teacher explained, you will have nodifficulty doing the work.

2). Once you have decided to do something, you should finish it anddo it well.

5. The +比较级…….,the +比较级……..越……, 越……

  1) The more books you read,the more knowledge you will get.

  2)The busier he is, thehappier he feels.

6. as if/ as though…..(表示与事实相反,用虚拟;若表示即将成为事实或有可能成为事实,则用陈述语气)

1). He was in great trouble, but he acted as if nothing hadhappened.

2). Although they just met for the first time, they talked as ifthey had been friends for many years

3). The clouds are gathering. It looks as if it is going to rain.

7. n. /adj. /  adv. / v. + as / though +主语+谓语,…… 尽管……,…….引导让步状语从句

1).Child as he is, I alreadyknow what career I want to follow.

2). Try as he might, hecouldn’t solve the problem.

3). Much as I respect him, Ican’t agree with his idea.

8. whether….or….  无论是….还是….

1). Whether the weather is good or bad, they will set off as theyplanned.

2). Any person, whether youngor old, has his own worth.

9. 疑问词+ever = no matter +疑问词, 引导让步状语从句或名词性从句

1). Whichever(=No matterwhich) you like, you can take it away  .(让步状语从句)

    You can take awaywhichever(=any one that) you like    ( 名词性从句)

2). Whenever you comes, you will be welcome. ( 让步状语从句)

3). Whatever happens, I will support you. ( 让步状语从句)

4). Whoever breaks the law, he will certainly be punished. ( 让步状语从句)

Whoever breaks the law willcertainly be punished. ( 名词性从句)

5). However great the difficulty is, we can overcome it. ( 让步状语从句)

10. if/ as long as/so longas/ providing that/ provided that/ supposing that/ on condition that  假如…..

1). I will lend you money oncondition that you can return it within 3 months.

11. given that/considering that 考虑到….., 鉴于……

1). Given her interest inchildren/ Given that she is interested in children, I’m sure teaching is theright career for her.

2). Considering his age andhis experience, he has done well.

12. in case that/ in caseof…..     万一….., 以防…..

1). In case of fire, pleasedial 119 at once.

2). In case that John comes/John should come, tell him to wait.

13. 祈使句+ or/otherwise +结果句 或  祈使句+ and +结果句

  1). Stop doing such foolishthing, or you will be punished in time.

  2). More effort, and theproblem would have been settled.

  3). Think it over, and youwill find the answer.

14. so/ such……..that…….引导结果状语从句时须注意

  当名词前many, much, little, few有修饰时, 用so不用such因为此时的中心词不再是名词,而是many, much, little,few这些表示数量的词。

  1). The westerners eat somuch fat and sugar that they put on weight easily.

  2). There are so few fish inthe lake that we couldn’t fish them easily.

当名词是单数可数名词,前面又由adj.修饰时,注意冠词的位置,即so+ adj +a(n)+n 或such+ a(n) + adj.+ n

1). He is such an honestperson/ so honest a person that you can depend on him when you are in trouble.


  1). Such great progress hashe made in his studies that we all admire him.

         当主从句主语一致时可与动词不定式相互转换,即变成so/such…….as to do结构。

  1).The westerners eat somuch fat and sugar as to put on weight easily.

15. so that 引导目的状语从句与结果状语从句

         so that引导目的状语从句时常与情态动词连用(= in order that),当主从句主语一致时可转换为so as to do/ in orderto do.

1). He turned up the radio alittle so that he could hear the news clearly.

    He turned up the radio alittle so as to hear the news clearly.

2). He closed all the windows while driving so that he shouldn’tcatch cold.(否定句中情态动词用shouldn’t)

         so that 引导结果状语从句一般不与情态动词连用

1). He turned up the radio alittle so that he heard the news clearly.

16.can never/ can’t 与too, too much, enough, over- 搭配表示“无论怎样….都不过分”

1). While you are doing yourhomework, you can’t be careful enough.

2). He is such a great manthat we can’t praise him too much.

3). William Hartley washandsome, determined and hardworking, in a word, I couldn’t speak too highly ofhim.

4). The development ofsociety has made it necessary for us to have a good knowledge of English, so wecan’t overemphasize the importance of learning English.

5). Since it is a good thing,we can’t do it too soon.

17. 不定式作主语,it作形势主语:

    It +系动词+adj./ n..+for sb. to do  (for sb.表示动词不定式动作的执行者)

    It +系动词+adj.+ ofsb. to do  (of sb.既表示动词不定式动作的执行者有表示人所具备的性质或特征)

1). It’s important for us to have a good knowledge of English.

2). How rude of him to treat a child like that!

3). It’s thoughtful of him to fix us up for the night.

18. 不定式作宾语,it作形势宾语:

  主语+think/consider/believe/ make/ feel+ it +adj./n. +for sb./ of sb. +to do

1). I feel it foolish of himto believe such a man.

2). The timely rain had madeit possible for the crops to grow well.

19. won’t/ can’t have sb.doing/ done 不能容忍某行为发生

  1). You are too rude, and Iwon’t have you speaking to Mother like that again.

  2). We can’t have anythingdone against the school rules.

20. It is said/ thought/hoped/ believed…..that…

   Sb. is said/ thought/hoped/ believed to do…..

  1). It is said that he isstudying abroad.--> He is said to be studying abroad.

  2).It is considered thatmany countries highly value China’s role in helping world’s peace.

   Many countries isconsidered to highly value China’s role in helping world’s peace.

21. 表示过去原打算干,却未曾实现的愿望、打算或意图

       had hoped to do=hoped to have done.。类似的词还有:expect, think, intend, design, plan, mean, suppose等

         would like/prefer/love to have done

         was/ wee to have done

         was/were supposed tohave done

1).--- Did you go to see the film “Titanic” last night?     ---I’d like to have, but I had anunexpected guest.

2). The plane was to have take off at 7 this morning, but was heldup by the heavy fog.

22. How did sb come todo…..? = How come that….为什么会…../……是怎么回事?表示要求对所发生的事情说明理由或做出解释

1). How did you come to findout where she’s living?= How come that you found out….


2). How come that you satthere ,doing nothing?为什么坐在那儿什么也不干?

3). How did he come to be sofoolish?

23.It is (not ) like do…..     ….(.不)像某人的所作所为

1). It’s like him to answer for what he has done.敢对自己的行为负责,这是他的一贯作风

2). It’s not like him to have been so rude to his mother.

24. when it comesto…..    当谈到或涉及到……

1). He is a man of few words,but when it comes to playing computer, he will be excited and full of energy.

2). When it comes to helpinghis wife with the housework, John never complains.

25.every time/ each time/next time/ the first time/ any time等短语引导时间状语从句,表示“每当….., 每次…..,下次…..”

1). Every time you meet withnew words while reading, don’t always refer to your dictionary.

    When you meet with newwords every time…..

2) Next time you come , doremember to bring your son here.

3) You are welcome to comeback any time you want to.

26. There is (no) need todo…../ for ….-àIt is( not )necessary for sb. to do….

   There is( no )hope/ chance / possibility ofdoing….

   There is( no )difficulty/ trouble/ point/delay( in )doing

1). Is there any chance ofus/ our winning the match?

2). There is no point indiscussing the problem again.

27.It is up to sb. to dosth.  应由某人来做某事……..

1) ---When shall we startout?    ---It’s up to you to decide.

2). It’s up to you to babysitmy so while I am away on business. up to sth.  忙于….., 从事……., 胜任…..

1). John isn’t really up tothat job. 约翰不适合干那项工作

2).What have you been up torecently? 最近你一直在忙些什么

29. It is time to do/ Itis time that +主语+动词的一般过去式    该是做…..的时候了

It is time that we ended thediscussion.

30. it 强调句:

         基本构成形式:It is/was +被强调部分+ who/ that+原句剩余部分

e.g.: I met him in the street yesterday afternoon.

    It was I who/ that met himin the street yesterday afternoon.(强调是我,不是别人)

    It was him who/ that I metin the street yesterday afternoon.( 强调我遇见的是他,不是别人)

It was in the street that I met him yesterdayafternoon.

( 强调是在大街上,不是在别的地方,强调的是地点,但不用where)

   It was yesterday afternoonthat I met him in the street

(强调是昨天下午,不是在别的时候, 强调的是时间,但不用when)

         强调句的一般疑问句:Is/ Was it +被强调部分+ who/ that+原句剩余部分

    强调句的特殊疑问句:What/ When/ Where/ Who/ How……is/ was it + who/ that+原句剩余部分

1). Who was it that/ who you met in the street yesterday afternoon?

Tell me who it was that/ whoyou met in the street yesterday afternoon?

oahxkoglt  评论于  2016-11-16 14:19:53
zudiac  评论于  2016-11-19 20:35:39
zxfa305  评论于  2016-12-25 18:49:38
zxfa305  评论于  2016-12-25 18:49:38
luckygu  评论于  2017-7-13 06:27:06
天天签到好开心 天天签到好开心
caibei1  评论于  2019-3-3 13:18:10