悠悠小荷  发表于 2016-6-15 10:48:00| 3041 次查看 | 2 条回复

The wind and the sun  北风与太阳

One day, the wind and the sun were arguing about who was the strongest. "It is clear that I am the strongest," said the wind. "When I blow, branches break off the trees, and the waves beat on the shore."
"That's nothing," said the sun. "I am much stronger than that." Just then, they saw a man wearing a heavy coat. "We will both try to make this man take off his coat," said the sun. "Whoever succeeds will be the strongest."
The wind agreed to go first. He blew hard at the man, but it was no use. The man became cold and held onto his coat with both hands.
Then it was the sun's turn. He came out from behind a cloud and shone gently down on the man. The man smiled and took off his coat to enjoy the warm sunshine.
"You see?" asked the sun. "Kindness and gentleness are stronger than anything in the world."

1.branch      n.树枝
2. wave          n.波浪
3.shore       n.岸;海岸
4.cloud       n.云
5.gently       adv.温和地
6.enjoy         v.享受;喜欢

Language Notes
Take off 脱下(衣物,鞋帽等)
动词take表示[拿],三态是take-took-taken。Take off 可以指[脱下衣物,鞋帽等]喔!
*You should take off your coat. It’s hot outside.
要表示[穿上衣物,鞋帽]则可以用put on。
*Let me put on my shoes before we go.
Take off还可以指飞机『起飞』喔!
*Our plane will take off in ten minutes.

美丽嫁物iqe  评论于  2016-6-15 10:49:58
mutis  评论于  2016-12-24 07:33:50