悠悠小荷  发表于 2016-4-22 20:47:12| 1858 次查看 | 4 条回复
中国传统节日Traditional Chinese Festivals
The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is when all family members get together. First they extend greetings to their parents. Then each child will get money as a New Year gift, wrapped up in red packet.春节是我国最重要的节日,是全家人团聚的时候。他们给长者送上祝福。每个小孩子都会得到放在红包里的压岁钱。
The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month. This day’s important activities are watching lanterns, guessing lantern riddles and eat yuanxiao, or rice dumplings.正月十五是元宵节。这一天的重要活动有看花灯,猜灯谜,吃元宵或圆团。
The Qingming Festival sees a combination of sadness and happiness. This is the most important day of sacrifice.清明节中既有悲伤,又有欢乐。它是一年中最重要的祭祀日。
Dragon boat racing is an indispensable part of the festival. Folk tales say the game originates from the activities of seeking Qu Yuan’s body. Zongzi is an essential food of the Dragon Boat Festival.赛龙舟是端午节的主要习俗。传说是为了拯救屈原的身体。端午节吃粽子是另一重要习俗。
The Double Seventh Festival, on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, is a traditional festival full of romance. Do you know the legend of the Cowhand and Weaver Maid? 农历七月初七是乞巧节,这一传统节日充满浪漫的色彩。你知道牛郎和织女的传说吗?
The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month. The moon looks extremely round, big and bright. People will enjoy the full moon and eat moon cakes on that day.农历八月十五是中秋节。在那天,月亮来起来特别圆,特别大,很明亮。人们会赏月,吃月饼。
The Double Ninth Festival is also called “Height Ascending Festival”.重阳节也叫做登高节。
The Chinese government decided the Double Ninth Festival as Seniors’ Day.我国政府把重阳节定为老人节。
After the Winter Solstice, days will become longer and longer.冬至以后,白天就会一天天变长。

vnrivqth020  评论于  2016-4-22 20:47:52
fennie88  评论于  2016-4-23 22:57:34
fiona  评论于  2016-4-24 18:43:43
mutis  评论于  2016-12-30 10:11:37