悠悠小荷  发表于 2016-4-1 18:20:22| 2212 次查看 | 2 条回复
打扫房间 Helping around the house
Jenny, can you come and help me?珍妮,你可以过来帮我吗?
Mom, what should I do?妈,我要做什么?
It’s dusty everywhere in the house. Can you help me do the housecleaning?房子里到处是灰尘,帮我打扫好吗?
Ok. I will call Peter to clean it together.好吧,我叫彼得一起帮忙打扫。
That’s my good girl. The clothes need washing. I’ll do the laundry.真是我的好女儿!这些衣服该清洗了,我要去把他们洗一洗。
Jenny, clean up your mess, please.珍妮,把这一团脏乱整理干净。
Ok. Mom, I’m putting these books into the box. I’ll do it later. 好的,妈。我正在把这些书装进箱子里,我等下会整理的。
Peter, tidy up your mess. Pick up the garbage under your desk, please.彼得,把这一团乱整理干净。把桌子下面的垃圾都捡起来。
Mom, can I do it later? I haven’t finished my homework. 妈,我可以等下再收拾吗?我还没写完我的作业。
Peter, you better hurry. Summer vacation is over in 2 days. 彼得,你最好快一点。暑假再有两天就结束啰。
Have you done your chorse yet?你做了你的杂务了吗?
Time to clean up. 清洁时间到了。
Don’t track mud all over the house. 不要把泥巴弄得屋子里到处都是。
What a mess you’ve made. 你弄得一团糟。
Look at the mess you’ve made. 看你弄得乱糟糟的。
Look at this mess!看这儿乱的。
Pick up your socks and put them in the laundry basket. 把你的袜子捡起来,放到洗衣篮里。
Can you do me a favor please? Please give me a hand, baby! 你能帮我一个忙吗?请给我打个下手,宝贝。
You make everywhere such a mess! 你把到处都弄得这么乱!
Clean it upright now. 马上把它清洁好。
Let’s tidy up! 让我们收拾一下。
dzrymz  评论于  2016-4-1 18:22:48
fantagelo  评论于  2016-4-2 16:19:08