悠悠小荷  发表于 2016-3-27 11:06:15| 2045 次查看 | 3 条回复


捉迷藏 Hide-and-seek
Want to play hide-and-seek? 想玩捉迷藏吗?
We want to play hide-and-seek. 我们想玩捉迷藏。
I'm going to count to ten. 我会数到10。
Ready or not, here I come. 准备好了吗?我来啦。
Gotcha/ I got you. 我抓你啦。
Where are you?你在哪里?
I am here. 我在这里。

户外活动 Outdoor activity
let’s make a sand castle. 让我们做一个沙子城堡吧。
Want to play outside/ in the yard? 想到外面/在院子里玩吗?
Let’s go play in the park. 让我们去公园玩吧。
Did you get dizzy on the merry-go-round? 你坐旋转木马晕吗?
Want to go down the slide? 相玩滑梯吗?

玩追逐游戏 Play catch
let’s play catch. 让我们玩追逐游戏吧。
Catch! 抓到啦。
Good catch! 抓到啦!

玩球 Play the ball
Let’s play the ball. 让我们玩球吧。
Roll the ball/toy to me/over there. 把秋/玩具给我/滚到那边去。
Throw me the ball. 把球扔给我。

荡秋千 Play on the swing
Want to swing? 想要当秋千吗?
Let’s swing on the swings. 让我们荡秋千吧。
Shall I push you? 需要我推你吗?
You can touch the sky. 你都可以够到天空啦。

nanahk  评论于  2016-3-27 11:18:38
学霸小明  评论于  2016-3-28 09:04:53
fantagelo  评论于  2016-3-28 09:08:32