Quantum Physics for Babies《给宝宝的量子物理》
近日Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg在facebook上贴出一张照片,初为人父人母的小扎夫妇怀抱着尚未满月的小千金Max,正在给她读一本叫做Quantum Physics for Babies(宝宝量子力学)的书。
【尺寸】22X28cm,封面350G亚粉 内页200G亚粉.
作者用简单有趣的图案及文字,将包括经典力学、光学、量子物理等等物理学或基础、或前沿的知识,描述的轻松易懂。这种独特的选题和内容模式,可以让孩子更早更轻松地接触作为世界基石之一的物理学,同时让我们这些家长学习或者复习一下物理学知识,了解原来这些高深的科学没那么可怕。 当然,靠一套绘本培养一名理论物理学家是不可能的,小扎家还没满月的小宝宝的视力连绘本都看不清,更不要说理解它了。我觉得孩子看量子物理学就是给孩子一个科学启蒙吧!
【价格对比】 相比起定价45美元,海淘成本接近600人民币的原版简装绘本,这套全英文可点读有声的绘本价格也非常亲民
点读音频包:(小达人使用dab文件,安装时书名贴填225,点读封面 by chris ferrie处)
链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1hqXSIrE 密码:
本套书一共6册,包括: The ABC's of Physics《物理学入门》 还有一本系统的物理启蒙书,The ABC's of Physocs宝宝物理学入门。一共26页,26个常用物理学单词,开头字母分别从A到Z!A is for Atom(原子),B is for Black hole(黑洞),C is for Charge(电荷)!好深奥啊! The ABC's of Physics introduces a new physics concept for every letter of the alphabet, all the way from Atom to Zero-point energy.
Optical Physics for Babies《给宝宝的光学物理》
来看的这本是Optical Physics for Babies(宝宝光学)。书的封面是一本反射和折射光线的奶嘴(Dr Ferrie所有的物理学系列书封面都有奶嘴)。相对于后面要介绍的书,这本算比较浅显易懂的,因为光算是孩子能接受的直观事物。 Optical Physics for Babies by Chris Ferrie is a colorfully simple introduction to the principles of linear optics. Baby will find out what the difference between reflection and refraction is and why both are necessary to create wonderful things, like rainbows. It is never too early to become a quantum physicist
Quantum Information for Babies《给宝宝的量子信息学》 这本是Quantum Information fo Babies(宝宝量子信息学)。很多人要问量子信息学什么鬼?度娘说:量子信息学,是量子力学与信息科学相结合的产物,是以量子力学的态叠加原理为基础,研究信息处理的一门新兴前沿科学。不知道Dr Ferrie将会怎样向孩子们讲授这门最近十几年才发展起来的新兴科学。
Quantum Information for Babies is a colorful and simple introduction to one of newest ideas in physics: qubits! Qubits are quantum bits, the carriers of information about quantum mechanical things. Baby will learn why qubits are so different from, and more useful than, the regular bits of information stored on our computers today.
Quantum Entanglement for Babies《给宝宝的量子纠缠学》 这个巨牛,Quantum Entanglement(宝宝量子纠缠)!颠覆以往认知,让无数理科生感到不寒而栗的理论,连爱因斯坦都因为此现象提供错误解释而被piapia打脸!科学家利用此理论可以实现物体瞬移(目前能实现100公里的光子瞬间转移),感觉和看科幻大片无异。
Quantum Entanglement for Babies is a colorful and simple introduction to one of Nature's weirdest features. Entanglement has puzzled even the world's greatest scientists. Maybe with an early start, Baby will be the first to understand it!
Quantum Physics for Babies 《给宝宝的量子力学》 再来看看小扎给女儿读的这本Quantum Physics for Babies(宝宝量子力学),大学量子力学挂过科的同学给跪了! Quantum Physics for Babies by Chris Ferrie is a colorfully simple introduction to the principle which gives quantum physics its name. Baby will find out that energy is "quantized" and the weird world of atoms never comes to a stand still. It is never too early to become a quantum physicist!
Newtonian Physics for Babies《给宝宝的牛顿物理学》 这本是Newtonian Physics for Babies(给宝宝的牛顿物理学)。当年高中的时候,牛顿三大力学是分水岭,一票人马学不懂都乖乖去了文科班。而现在,居然还有给宝宝看的给宝宝的牛顿物理学,学渣们真要泪流满面了。 Newtonian Physics for Babies by Chris Ferrie introduces Newton's three laws of motion. Although centuries old, Newton's laws are still used today to predict the motion of objects at the human scale. With Newton's laws, we can do simple things like predict where a thrown ball will land all the way to complicated things like landing a man on the moon. And now baby will know them too!
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