朵拉历险记之自然拼读法DORA THE EXPLORER PHONICS音频mp3下载,Dora就不介绍了,这个系列有12个故事,我们一边跟随朵拉探险,一边欢乐的学习英语英标中的基础发音吧。"Dora the Explorer is back for more adventures in her second phonics box!
Based on the best research on how children develop reading skills, these twelve books introduce a carefully selected progression of letter sounds-starting starting with the easiest and most mon. Each book helps build a young reader's confidence with repeated examples of the letter sounds being focused on, as well as 'words to learn' and 'words to sound out.'
These books will readily appeal to Dora's audience of beginning readers as they capture all of the familiar elements from Dora's hit TV show, including her spunky personality."